WiSe 18/19: Oceans in Science and Fiction
Nadin Heé
Oceans are still in the process of being scientifically explored—be it in the context of the climate change debates or resource management. At the same time, fiction has dealt with the ocean through a variety of media ranging from literature such as Jules Verne’s “Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea” to science fiction films such as “Godzilla”.
In this seminar, we will examine how scientific and fictional constructions of the ocean have reinforced each other. Some of the questions we will address are: How have notions of science and fiction influenced human imagination of the ocean? And how did socio-economic transformation shape our view of the sea? What is the outreach and scale of various competing pictures, interpretations and definitions? What are the challenges of writing global histories of oceans in science and fiction?
Besides analyzing and discussing scientific reports, literature, and films, we will also visit the exhibition “Europe and the Sea” at the German Historical Museum in Berlin.
16 Termine
Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung
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