WiSe 18/19: Tektonische Geomorphologie
Dirk Scherler
Information for students
StudO 2017 MSc-Modul GG007: "Spezielle Themen der Geologie I" (V (2 SWS) + S (2 SWS) = 6 LP) /StudO 2012 MSc-Modul GG011: "Spezielle Themen der Geologie" (V (2 SWS) + S 2 SWS) = 6 LP)
Additional information / Pre-requisites
M.Sc. Geologische Wissenschaften
In tectonic geomorphology we use quantitative analysis of landscape features to make statements about rates of tectonic processes as well as about the geomorphological effects of climatic changes. Participants will learn about basic geomorphological concepts and processes as well as modern quantitative methods. In the lab, we will make extensive use of MATLAB to analyze digital terrain models (DEMs) and other spatial data. close
16 Class schedule
Regular appointments
Wed, 2018-10-17 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2018-10-24 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2018-10-31 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2018-11-07 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2018-11-14 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2018-11-21 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2018-11-28 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2018-12-05 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2018-12-12 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2018-12-19 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2019-01-09 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2019-01-16 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2019-01-23 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2019-01-30 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2019-02-06 10:45 - 12:15
Wed, 2019-02-13 10:45 - 12:15