Graduate Course
WiSe 18/19: Linking People and Politics – Parties and Social Movements in Europe
Jochen Roose
Distrust in politics, political abstention, populism – there is a lot to discuss. Even more, there is a lot to analyze academically. The aim of the seminar is not, to offer space for general political discussions on these topics. Instead, we will ground a profound analysis in literature and theories.
The seminar is centered on two intermediary actors between people and the political system: parties and social movements. We will introduce the concepts of party and social movement respectively, discuss main theories of the two fields, and work on the links between the two, namely the concept of movement party and the debate on populism.
The course will conclude with case studies on either parties or social movements, in which the theories are applied. The case studies are presented in a one-day meeting, at the end of the seminar.
5 Class schedule
Regular appointments
Sat, 2018-11-17 09:00 - 18:00
Sat, 2019-01-12 09:00 - 18:00
Sat, 2019-01-26 09:00 - 18:00