WiSe 19/20: Conviviality as Interdisciplinary Social Theory
Sergio Costa
Hinweise für Studierende
Modulprüfung im MA Lateinamerikastudien (Modul B1): Hausarbeit (ca. 15 Seiten) oder mündliche Prüfung (ca. 20 min.)
The concept of conviviality, coined by the Viennese philosopher Ivan Illich in 1973, has become a catalyst for critical impulses in theory formation in recent years. New contributions derive from at least four fields: 1. Critique of anthropocentrism: Here conviviality is developed as a replacement for the sociological concept of society, in order to do justice to the role of non-human actors (animals, plants, spirits, artefacts) in shaping coexistence on earth (J. Overing, E. Viveiros de Castro). 2. Critique of utilitarianism: Conviviality or convivialisme crystallizes the understanding that living together is not based on competition and self-interest but on cooperation and exchange of gifts (A. Caillé, F. Adloff). 3. Critique of identity approaches: Here conviviality represents an action-theoretical approach that does not describe cultures as closed unities but as dynamic negotiation of differences (P. Gilroy, T. Heil). 4. Critique of coloniality: In this field, the meaning of conviviality for the maintenance of (post)colonial power structures is emphasized (A. Mbembe, E. Gutiérrez Rodríguez). In the seminar, these diverse approaches will be discussed and their potential for the development of a critical theory of society will be scrutinized. Schließen
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