WiSe 19/20: Basic income instead of needs-based social security payments? Opportunities and risks of introducing or testing a basic income in Germany
Jürgen Schupp
Hinweise für Studierende
Tel.: 030/89789-238, jschupp@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Administrative Assistants: Patricia Axt / Christiane Eichhorst (soepoffice@diw.de),
Tel.: 030-89789-671
Office: Mohrenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin
Office hours before or after the seminar in room 312 (Garystraße 55), Tel.: 030-838-62063
Administrative Assistants: Patricia Axt / Christiane Eichhorst (soepoffice@diw.de),
Tel.: 030-89789-671
Office: Mohrenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin
Office hours before or after the seminar in room 312 (Garystraße 55), Tel.: 030-838-62063
A broad public discussion has emerged in recent years around the idea of an unconditional basic income, and is increasingly being taken up by the research community. This utopia has roots stretching far back in history, and has recently been presented by German political parties as part of a vision for a future social welfare state without sanctions or bureaucracy. The idea is also being discussed as a desirable future in the digital age, when the increased use of robots and growing role of artificial intelligence could cause disruptive changes in the economy and massive job loss. In this seminar, we will assess the strengths and weaknesses of a basic income, particularly in comparison to the current social welfare system in Germany. Our aim will be to take stock of the potential risks and opportunities of introducing a basic income to replace or supplement the existing social welfare system. We will also analyze and discuss empirical data on public support for the idea of a basic income. Schließen
Background literature:
- Miller, Annie (2017): A Basic Income Handbook. Edinburgh: Luath Press.
- van Parijs, Philippe & Vanderborght, Yannick (2017) Basic Income. A radical proposal for a free society and a sane economy. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.
- Standing, Guy (2017): Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen. London: Pelican.
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