19211311 Seminar

WiSe 19/20: Seminar on Combinatorial Optimization: Graph Decomposition

Niels Lindner, Ralf Borndörfer


Optimization problems on graphs are ubiquitous in theory and practice. Often it is reasonable to decompose large graphs into subgraphs in order to solve the problem following the divide-and-conquer principle. On the one hand, a graph may be decomposed itself, on the other, also several new algorithmic perspectives arise. In this seminar, we will cover theoretical approaches as well as practical decomposition-based solution methods for combinatorial optimization problems.

In particular, we will consider:
- Graph partitioning resp. balanced cuts
- Tree and branch decompositions

The seminar will be a block seminar.

- Assignment of topics: Wednesday, 16.10., 10 am, ZIB, seminar room 2006
- Kick-off: tba
- Block seminar: tba

At the second meeting (kick-off), students are expected to give a short presentation (max. 5 minutes) on their topic.
The talks on the day of the block seminar are supposed to take 45 minutes. For a successful participation, students need to hand in a written summary of the essential contents in professional quality (LaTeX, 5-8 pages).

Prerequisites: Basics of graph theory, e.g., Diskrete Mathematik I

As a complement, you may optionally visit the lectures Optimierung I (Ralf Borndörfer) or Optimale Touren in Graphen (Niels Lindner).


Subjects A - Z