(LV in englischer Sprache)
in CM nur für EinS@FU-Studierende buchbar
Introductory reading:
Amin Samir: Delinking: Towards a Polycentric World, London 1990.
Ayodele, Langley J.: Ideologies of liberation in Black Africa, 1856-1970, Documents on modern African ... read more
Introductory reading:
Amin Samir: Delinking: Towards a Polycentric World, London 1990.
Ayodele, Langley J.: Ideologies of liberation in Black Africa, 1856-1970, Documents on modern African political thought from colonial times to the present, London 1979.
Balandier, Georges: Doctrines: de la négritude au socialisme, Jeune Afrique, No. 39, 1963.
Beier-Red, Alfred: Von der Assoziation Revolutionärer Bildender Künstler Deutschlands zum Bund Revolutionärer Künstler, in: Bildende Kunst, No. 2, 1959.
Bernard, Charles: Le Socialisme Africain Mythes et Réalités, Paper presented at the International Congress on African French speaking peoples, Washington 1964.
Clarke, Richard: What do Marxists Have to Say about Art? Published online: 14 October 2017.
Geering, Corinne: A Future Lost: Artistic Appropriations of the Socialist Internationalist Legacy in Africa [Review on: Nash, Mark (Ed.): Red Africa. Affective Communities and the Cold War. London: 2016.], in: KULT_online No. 50, 2017.
Greani, Nora: Le fond de l’art était rouge. Transferts artistiques entre l’ancien bloc socialiste et la République populaire du Congo, in : Cahiers d’études africaines, No. 226, 2017, pp. 379-398.
Hütt, Wolfgang: Junge Bildende Künstler der DDR. Skizzen in Situation der Kunst in unserer Zeit, Leipzig 1965.
Ibhawoh, Bonny/ Dibua J. I.: Deconstructing Ujamaa: The Legacy of Julius Nyerere in the Quest for Social and Economic Development in Africa, in: Afr. j. polit. set., Vol. 8, No. 1, 2003, pp. 59-83.
Iwanow, Vassili: Der Sozialistische Realismus, Berlin 1965.
Leed, Susanne: Abstraction as International Language, in: Art of Two Germanys: Cold War Culture, New York 2009, pp. 118-133.
Masset, Pierre-Alexandre: Is Art a socialist phenomenon? Published online: 31.01.2018.
Matthews, Ronald: African powder keg. Revolt and dissent in six emergent nations, London 1966.
Nash, Mark (Ed.): Red Africa. Affective Communities and the Cold War, London 2016.
Palmier, Jean-Michel: Lénine, l’art et la révolution, Paris 2006.
Senghor, Léopold S.: Democracy and socialism, Ibadan 1964.
Tchibozo, Romuald: Les arts à l’époque de la gouvernance révolutionnaire au Bénin: 1972 à 1989, in: Godo-Godo, Abidjan, No. 28, 2016, pp. 101-112.
Tchibozo, Romuald/ Gnonhouevi, David : L’art socialiste et l’idéologie communiste au Bénin: le cas de Philippe Abayi, in : Afrique noire : l’histoire racontée par 14 chercheurs, Paris 2017.
Zavedeeva, Irina: Socialist Realism and Socialist Realist Romantism, in: Art in translation, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2016, pp. 259-277.