24254a Vorlesung

WiSe 20/21: Physics of Earth III: Numerical methods in geosciences (Num. Methoden in der Geophysik)

Georg Kaufmann

Hinweise für Studierende

(Modul MSc-GP004 (StudO 2017 und 2012: V (2 SWS) + Ü (2 SWS) = 6 LP)/D005: Physik der Erde III)

Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

Zielgruppe: Studierende und Doktorand(Inn)en mit dem Schwerpunkt Geophysik.


This lecture provides an introduction to numerical methods with an emphasis to geosciences. The following topics will be discussed: -We discuss the concept of numerical methods and their accuracy. -We introduce the Taylor series as a fundamental expansion for numerical methods. -We derive several methods for numerically finding roots. -We discuss numerical differentiation and integration methods. -We solve linear systems of equations with direct and iterative methods. -We solve ordinary and partial differential equations with a variety of methods. Schließen

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