WiSe 20/21: How Imagination Works
Toshiki Okada
Hinweise für Studierende
Die Opening Lecture in der Akademie der Künste (2.11.) muss leider abgesagt werden!
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While creating a performance I always put the highest importance on imagination. One reason
is that I do believe that audience members interact with the imagination of the actors. Or put
differently, experiencing theater is equivalent to relating to the imagination that actors
produce. Another reason is that I see imagination as a of kind of choreographer. I know that
imagination is very often a genius in finding crazy movements you cannot create by a
theoretic way of thinking. I always ask actors to work with as much imagination as possible
and to develop it. I also ask them to be moved by their own imagination. In my seminar, I’d
like to share this way of thinking with you. We will begin with observing how you can be
affected by imagination and how it moves your body. We will then develop our imagination
by using language and try to use imagination to make movements more interesting.
Nur für FU-Studierende im Studiengang MA-Tanzwissenschaft, mit Priorität für das dritte
Fachsemester. Die maximale Teilnehmer*innenanzahl ist pandemiebedingt auf 19
Studierende begrenzt.
20 Termine
Zusätzliche Termine
Mo, 02.11.2020 16:00 - 20:00Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung