WiSe 20/21: Seminar zur Bioanalytischen Massenspektrometrie / Proteomanalyse
Christoph Weise
Inhalt / Content:
chris.weise@biochemie.fu-berlin.de Schließen
- The proteome (definition, concept)
- Mass spectrometry of biological macromolecules
- Ionisation methods (MALDI and ESI)
- Protein separation by 2D-PAGE, staining methods
- Protein identification via peptide mass fingerprints and MS/MS
- Fragmentation methods and interpretation of MS/MS spectra
- LC-MS / Shotgun proteomics
- LC-MS / Quantitative proteomics, metabolic and chemical labelling techniques
- Targetted proteomics
- MALDI imaging
chris.weise@biochemie.fu-berlin.de Schließen