WiSe 20/21: Online: Deleuze and Education
Daniel Austerfield
Hinweise für Studierende
Diese Lehrveranstaltung findet vollständig online statt.
Requirements for active participation (AT):
1. regular attendance
2. a blog post (Blackboard)
3. a wiki post (Blackboard)
In this seminar we will explore the philosophy of education in Deleuze + Guattari from different perspectives with selected focal points. Prior knowledge about concepts of D+G is helpful but not required. Schließen
14 Termine
Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung
Do, 05.11.2020 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 12.11.2020 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 19.11.2020 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 26.11.2020 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 03.12.2020 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 10.12.2020 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 17.12.2020 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 07.01.2021 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 14.01.2021 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 21.01.2021 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 28.01.2021 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 04.02.2021 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 11.02.2021 16:15 - 17:45
Do, 18.02.2021 16:15 - 17:45