WiSe 20/21: S-Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures: Theories of Nation
Nadja Ben Khelifa
Despite more optimistic claims to the contrary, to this day, the notion that the world is constituted of nations remains persistent.
The cultural phenomenon of "nation" has been both consolidated and critically exam-ined from the perspectives of postcolonial studies, history, philosophy and politics. This seminar will introduce you to a selection of influential theories of nation. We will look at different structures such as class, ´race` and gender that are inherent in and shape the respective discourses on nation and nationalism. While predominantly focussing on the analysis of the critical texts themselves, we will occasionally consider literary and other texts, as well as (recent) social phenomena and their relationships with "theories of na-tion" and the re-presentations and imaginations of "nation".
This online seminar will comprise both asynchronous and synchronous aspects. Therefore, you will have to be equipped with a computer (or suchlike), including micro-phone and camera (if possible), as well as a stable internet connection.
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