WiSe 20/21: Software Project: Telematics
Larissa Groth
This software project focuses on several aspects of technical Computer Science. At the start of the software project you will receive a list of suggested topics that mainly deal with particular aspects of the so-called Trusted Computing and security issues in the Internet of Things. You are also very welcome to suggest your own topic that is closely related to technical Computer Science. You will work on your topic in a small group of 2-3 students. The collaboration and versioning of the developed code is done via the faculty's own Gitlab or a public Github. The results are to be documented appropriately, e.g. via the readme files of the git and a well structured wiki.
It is possible to combine this software project with the seminar Telematics. Then, the theoretical foundations of the topic are dealt with in the scientific seminar paper and implemented in practice in the software project. Please note that the seminar paper is not supposed to deal with details of the implementation and that you are still obliged to write an accurate documentation of the software project in written form.
Concerning the schedule: This software project takes place during the semester. There are only a few meetings with all participants, but these are mandatory. In addition, there are short weekly meetings in which at least 1 group member reports on the current status, whereby we would like to have spoken to all members in the course of a month. On the first meeting (03.11.2020), the topic list will be handed out and discussed. Please prepare a short (2-3 minutes) overview of your own topic suggestion if you would like to include it in the software project. On the next week (10.11.2020), the topics will be assigned. After that there will be 3 presentation dates in total: the topic presentation (08.12.2021), a short interim presentation (19.01.2021) and the final presentation (02.03.2021). This semester, all meetings will take place as video conferences with Webex.
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