WiSe 20/21: Research Seminar: Human-Centered Computing
Claudia Müller-Birn
Additional information / Pre-requisites
The seminar will take place at Königin-Luise-Straße 24/26, room 120.
Our research seminar provides a comprehensive overview of research relevant activities at the HCC.lab, as well as current research topics and methods. It includes lectures by members of the HCC.lab, BSc/MSc thesis candidates and external researchers, but also joint discussions of particularly relevant articles or lectures. The list of topics of the seminar will be successively expanded during the semester. This seminar offers an atmosphere that promotes joint learning and mutual inspiration. The research seminar is not only about research topics, but also about methods such as empirical research methods or scientific writing. Therefore, it is also worthwhile to participate in topics that are not in one's own thematic focus. In principle, the seminar is open to all interested parties. All members of the HCC.lab, as well as all students writing their BSc/MSc thesis with us, should participate.
close15 Class schedule
Regular appointments