WiSe 20/21: Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
Political Science (2010 study regulations)
Aufbaumodul Politische Theorie
Advanced seminar
Independent Studies
Schedule: Mo 15:00-17:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-02)
Location: keine Angabe
Advanced seminar
Aufbaumodul Politische Systeme
Advanced seminar
Independent Studies
Schedule: Di 17:00-19:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-03)
Location: keine Angabe
Advanced seminar
Imperialismus und Ökologie (Conrad Kunze)
Schedule: Mo 12-14h (synchron) (Class starts on: 2020-11-02)
Location: online
Advanced seminar
Advanced Module: International Relations
Advanced seminar
Independent Studies
Schedule: Do 17:00-19:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-05)
Location: keine Angabe
Advanced seminar
Turkey's Foreign and Regional Policy (Gülüzar Gürbey)
Schedule: Blockveranstaltung: 1. Einführung: Freitag, 30.10.2020, 12-20 Uhr 2. Block: Freitag, 5.2.2021, 12-20 Uhr 3. Block: Sonnabend, 6.2.2021, 10-18 Uhr 4. Abschluss: Freitag, 12.2.2021, 12-20 Uhr. (Class starts on: 2020-11-13)
Location: online
Advanced seminar
(R = Required) Introduction to Political Science 0020bA1.1
(P) Methoden I 0020bA1.2
(P) Methoden II 0020bA1.3
(P) Politische Ideengeschichte 0020bA2.1
(P) Moderne Politische Theorie 0020bA2.2
(WPF) Rechtliche Grundlagen der Politik 0020cA2.3
(CE) (International) Political Economy 0020cA2.4
(C) Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany 0020bA3.1
(P) Vergl. Analyse v. pol. System. u. Pol.feldern 0020bA3.2
(WPF) Politische Soziologie 0020cA3.3
(WPF) Regionale Politikanalyse 0020cA3.4
(P) Theorie, Empirie, Geschichte d. Int. Bezieh. 0020bA4.1
(WPF) Internationale Sicherheitspolitik 0020cA4.2
(WPF) Europäische Integration 0020cA4.3
(Sp1) Politische Ideengeschichte 0020cA5.1
(Sp1) Internationale Sicherheitspolitik 0020cA5.10
(Sp1) European Integration 0020cA5.11
(Sp1) Modern Political Theories 0020cA5.2
(Sp1) Rechtliche Grundlagen der Politik 0020cA5.3
(Sp1) (International) Political Economy 0020cA5.4
Sp1) The Political System in the Federal Republic of Germany 0020cA5.5
(Sp1) Vergl. Analyse v. pol. System. u. Pol.feldern 0020cA5.6
(Sp1) Political Sociology 0020cA5.7
(Sp1) Regionale Politikanalyse 0020cA5.8
(Sp1) Theory, Empiricism, History of Int. Relations 0020cA5.9
(Sp2) History of Political Ideas 0020cA6.1
(Sp2) International Security Policy 0020cA6.10
(Sp2) Europäische Integration 0020cA6.11
(Sp2) Moderne Politische Theorien 0020cA6.2
(Sp2) Rechtliche Grundlagen der Politik 0020cA6.3
(Sp2) (Int.) Politische Ökonomie 0020cA6.4
(Sp2) The Political System in the Federal Republic of Germany 0020cA6.5
(Sp2) Vergl. Analyse v. pol. System. u. Pol.feldern 0020cA6.6
(Sp2) Politische Soziologie 0020cA6.7
(Sp2) Regional Political Analysis 0020cA6.8
(Sp2) Theory, Empiricism, History of Int. Relations 0020cA6.9
Bachelorcolloquium 0020bE1.2
Related Module 1 0020cH1.1
Related Module 2 0020cH1.2