WiSe 20/21  
Institute for E...  
East European S...  

WiSe 20/21: East European Studies

East European Studies (2014 study regulations)

  • Polish GPS Introductory Module

    10 LP nach Absolvierung von Einstiegsmodul 1. Teil und 2. Teil/ Grundmodul 2
    • 54810 Language Course
      Polnisch ABV Einstiegsmodul 1.Teil, 1.Gr. (Anna Kus)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Mi 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-02)
      Location: Mo Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig, Mi Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig
    • 54811 Language Course
      Polnisch ABV Einstiegsmodul 1.Teil, 2.Gr. (Barbara Luise Janisch)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00, Do 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-03)
      Location: Di Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig, Do Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig
    • 54812 Language Course
      Polnisch ABV Einstiegsmodul 2.Teil/GM2 (Beata Dietrich)
      Schedule: Mo 14:00-16:00, Do 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-02)
      Location: Mo Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig, Do Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig
  • Polish GPS Foundation Module 2

    • 54812 Language Course
      Polnisch ABV Einstiegsmodul 2.Teil/GM2 (Beata Dietrich)
      Schedule: Mo 14:00-16:00, Do 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-02)
      Location: Mo Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig, Do Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig
  • Polish GPS Foundation Module 3

    • 54814 Language Course
      Polnisch ABV Grundmodul 3 (Anna Kus)
      Schedule: Mo 12:00-14:00, Do 08:00-10:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-02)
      Location: Mo Online - zeitABhängig, Do Online - zeitABhängig
  • Russian GPS introductory module

  • Russian GPS Introductory Module

    Falls Sie über - wenn auch sehr geringe - Vorkenntnisse in dieser Sprache verfügen, müssen Sie einen ABV-Einstufungstest absolvieren, bevor Sie sich für einen Sprachkurs anmelden. close
    10 LP nach Absolvierung von Einstiegsmodul 1. Teil und 2. Teil/ Grundmodul 2
  • Russian GPS Foundation Module 2

  • Russian GPS Foundation Module 3

    • 54846 Language Course
      Russisch ABV Grundmodul 3, 1. Gr. (Elena Cernigovskaia)
      Schedule: Di 16:00-18:00, Do 18:00-20:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-03)
      Location: Di Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig, Do Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig
    • 54847 Language Course
      Russisch ABV Grundmodul 3, 2. Gr. (Elena Cernigovskaia)
      Schedule: Di 18:00-20:00, Do 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-03)
      Location: Di Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig, Do Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig
  • Russian GPS Foundation Module 4

    • 54848 Language Course
      Russisch ABV Grundmodul 4 (Elena Simanovski)
      Schedule: Di 08:00-10:00, Do 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-03)
      Location: Di Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig, Do Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig
  • Russian GPS Foundation Module 5

    • 54849 Language Course
      Russisch ABV Grundmodul 5 (Tatjana Veselovskaja)
      Schedule: Di 08:00-10:00, Fr 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2020-11-03)
      Location: Di Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig, Fr Onlinelehre - zeitABhängig
    • Concepts and Contexts of Eastern European Studies 0023dA1.1
    • Principles of the discipline of Eastern European Studies A 0023dA2.1
    • Principles of the discipline of Eastern European Studies B 0023dA2.2
    • (P) Interdisciplinary project work 0023dB1.1
    • (P) Interdisciplinary specialisation 0023dB2.2
    • History 1 - Diversity of Modernity in Eastern Europe 0023dC1.1
    • Culture 1 - Symbolic and Media-based forms of Cultural Practice 0023dC1.2
    • Politics 1 - Institutional Change, taking account of inner-state and international context factors 0023dC1.3
    • Law 1 - Basic Structures of Law in Eastern Europe 0023dC1.4
    • Sociology 1 - Social Change and Comparison of Societies 0023dC1.5
    • Economics 1 - Comparative Economic Systems 0023dC1.6
    • Specialisation module History 2 - Perspectives on the History of Eastern and Eastern Central Europe 0023dC2.1
    • Specialisation module Culture 2 - the Arts in the Cultural Context 0023dC2.2
    • Specialisation Module: Politics 2 - Topic-specific Specialisation in Selected Fields of Politics 0023dC2.3
    • Specialisation module Law 2 - Current Issues in Law in Eastern Europe 0023dC2.4
    • Specialisation module Sociology 2 - Special Sociologies and Methods 0023dC2.5
    • Specialisation Module Economics 2 - Methods of Economic History and Resource Economics 0023dC2.6
    • Polish GPS introductory module 0105cA1.31
    • Polish GPS Foundation Module 2 0105cA1.32
    • Polish GPS Foundation Module 3 0105cA1.33
    • Polish GPS Foundation Module 4 0105cA1.34
    • Polish GPS Foundation Module 4 0105dA1.35
    • Russian GPS Foundation Module 2 0105cA1.43
    • Russian GPS Foundation Module 3 0105cA1.44
    • Russian GPS Foundation Module 4 0105cA1.45
    • Russian GPS Foundation Module 5 0105cA1.46
    • Other foreign languages-GPS-introductory module 0105cA1.58
    • Other: Foreign Languages GPS Introductory Module 2 0105cA1.59
    • Other: Foreign Languages GPS Introductory Module 3 0105cA1.60
    • Other: Foreign Languages GPS Introductory Module 4 0105cA1.61
    • Other foreign languages-GPS-advanced module 1 0105cA1.62
    • Other foreign languages-GPS-advanced module 2 0105cA1.63
    • Other foreign languages-GPS-advanced module 3 0105cA1.64
    • Other Foreign Languages GPS Introductory Module 0105dA1.61
    • Other: Foreign Languages GPS Introductory Module 2 0105dA1.62
    • Other: Foreign Languages GPS Introductory Module 3 0105dA1.63
    • Other: Foreign Languages GPS Introductory Module 4 0105dA1.64
    • Other Foreign Languages GPS Advanced Module 2 0105dA1.66
    • Other Foreign Languages GPS Advanced Module 3 0105dA1.67
    • Other Foreign Language GPS Foundation Module 5 0105dA1.68
    • Professional Internship 0023dD4.1
    • Research Colloquium for M.A. Candidates 0023dE1.2

Subjects A - Z