WiSe 20/21  
Centre for Teac...  
Subject 2 Biolo...  

WiSe 20/21: Master's programme in Teacher Education (120 cp)

Subject 2 Biology


Wahlmodule sind nach Verlaufsplan erst ab dem 4.Fachsemester zu belegen!

    • Biology Education - Selected topics 0540aA1.1
    • Biology Education - Selected topics 0541aA1.1
    • Elective module: current topics in Molecular and Cell Biology 0541aA1.10
    • Elective module: current topics in Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology 0541aA1.11
    • Elective module: current topics in Plant Science 0541aA1.12
    • Biology Education - Development, evaluation and research 0541aA1.2
    • Elective module: Specific topics in biology education 0541aA1.6
    • Elective module: professional orientation A 0541aA1.7
    • Elective module: current topics in Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology 0541aA1.8
    • Elective module: current topics in Microbiology 0541aA1.9

Subjects A - Z