WiSe 20/21  
Institute for L...  
Kursangebot in ...  

WiSe 20/21: Latin American Studies

Kursangebot in Kooperation mit anderen Studiengängen

    • Portuguese Regional and Cultural Studies (Basic Module) E06aA1.1
    • Portuguese Regional and Cultural Studies (Advanced Module) E06aA1.2
    • Literaturwissenschaft Portugiesisch Aufbaumodul E06aA1.4
    • Spanish Literature (advanced module) E06aA2.3
    • Module 1: History of the Subject and Theories E06aB1.1
    • Modul 10: Soziale Beziehungen E06aB1.10
    • Modul 11: Politik und Wirtschaft E06aB1.11
    • Modul 12: Verflochtene Welten E06aB1.12
    • Module 2: Methods of Social and Cultural Anthropology E06aB1.2
    • Module 3: Social Structure and Economy E06aB1.3
    • Module 4: Cosmology and Local Knowledge E06aB1.4
    • Module 7: Indigenous Languages E06aB1.7
    • Module 8: Domain-specific Foreign Language Skills E06aB1.8
    • Module 9: Final Module Social and Cultural Anthropology E06aB1.9

Subjects A - Z