216705b Seminar

WiSe 21/22: Molekulare Mechanismen der Antigenpräsentation

Miguel Alvaro Benito, Christian Freund

Hinweise für Studierende

Die Seminare sind auf 6 Studierende limitiert. Anmeldungen per Mail bis zum 22.10.21 an: m.alvaro@fu-berlin.de.
The seminars are limited to 6 students. Please register via mail to: m.alvaro@fu-berlin.de until 8th April.
Seminare 216705a und 216705b müssen gemeinsam belegt werden Schließen


Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) genes were discovered as responsible for skin graft transplantation rejection in the 1950s. Two decades later a polymorphic variant of a HLA gene, HLA-B27, was clearly associated with Ankylosing Spondylitis (an autoimmune disorder). Since then, many genetic association studies have shown a clear correlation of HLA genes with disease, including autoimmune disorders, adverse drug reactions and certain types of cancers. Insights at the genetic, molecular and functional levels of the genes and the gene products encoded by the HLA locus have allowed understanding of how certain genes contribute to particular diseases. Such knowledge provides the basis for diagnosis and for the design of specific therapies. However, in many instances the molecular mechanisms for the specific contribution of an HLA gene to a disease are not clear. This seminar series aims at providing a critical view of genetic association studies and of the known mechanisms for HLA genes’ contribution to disease, with a particular focus on autoimmunity.
Moreover the seminars also aim at introducing the latest genetic association studies of HLA genes with diseases and discussing the potential mechanisms contributing to them. In this last case the focus will be adverse drug reactions and cancer.

Contact: Miguel Alvaro-Benito (malvaro@zedat.fu-berlin.de) Schließen

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