23780 Lab Seminar

WiSe 21/22: S Umweltmetagenomik (S)

Camila Mazzoni, Michael Thomas Monaghan

Information for students

The course startsA mandatory first meeting takes place on 17 20 October August 20210 from, 10:00-13:00; interested students should contact Camila Mazzoni (mazzoni@izw-berlin.de) and Michael Monaghan (m.monaghan@fu-berlin.de). close

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Registration in Campus Management only for participants


Overview lectures, field sampling, bioinformatics data analysis, preparation of results, summary presentation.

Suggested reading

Optional: Taberlet, Bonin, Zinger, Coissac. 2018. Environmental DNA for Biodiversity Research and Monitoring. Oxford University Press.; Wooley et al. 2010, PloS Biol (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000667); https://bioinformaticsworkbook.org/ close

Subjects A - Z