10172411 Seminar

WiSe 21/22: Current Research Topics on Empirical Public Economics and Economic Policy (S1)

Daniel Weiss


Innovation Policy Seminar in the Master Program Economics/Public Economics

Module: Current Research Questions on Empirical Public Economics and Economic Policy (Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der empirischen Finanzwissenschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik)

"Innovation policy seminar – An evolutionary perspective for mission-oriented innovation policies"

(Wintersemester 2021/22, course number: 10172411/10172409 (Master), lecturers: Carsten Schwäbe, Daniel Weiss)

Course Description

Innovation policy stands at crossroads. More and more examples for the application of mission-oriented innovation policies are in practice of national and European policy making. Before this background, different methodological approaches from quantitative indicator and econometric studies to qualitative case studies have been conducted to derive policy recommendations for pressing issues like sustainable energy, digitalization and electromobility. However, policy conclusions from these studies often have difficulties to embed empirical results into other research and the concrete political context in order to conclude applicable policy recommendations. Witt (2003) and Schmidt (2018) point out that policy recommendations require not only the positive analysis based on empirical research, but also the political context in order to detect options for adjusting an existing innovation policy mix. Moreover, it is necessary to discuss the normative objectives of policy recommendations, which are often implicitly assumed but not made explicit.

The Seminar presents recent innovation policy issues for a context-oriented policy analysis in order insights from empirical research into the context of policy making. Each topic comprises a paper as a starting point to critically reflect the recommended and implemented policy measures and derive further opportunities for interventions based on recent developments.


The course is though in German. Presentations and seminar papers can be in German or English.


Students are required to write a term paper (length approx. 4000 words, German or English) according to scientific standards. The seminar grade results from the evaluation of the written term paper. The guidelines for the preparation of seminar papers can be requested from the chair.

The research paper must be submitted digitally via e-mail as a PDF document by 14.02.2022, 12 p.m.

Acquisition of ECTS / credit points

Master:  The seminar is assessed with 3 semester hours per week. Students will receive 6 credit points upon successful participation.

Participation and Deadlines

The seminar is aimed at students in the Economics and Public Economics master’s program.

Interested applicants should apply by 10 pm on 13.10.2021, indicating: (1) first and last name, (2) matriculation number, (3) e-mail address, (4) copy of student ID, (5) certificate of previous grades, and (6) three topic preferences in descending order of preference.

Applications can be made by email to daniel.weiss@fu-berlin.de. You will receive a notification about the possibility to participate by 8 pm on 15.10.2021. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Topics will be assigned on 19.10.2021. The number of participants is limited to 24. If more applications than that are received, a selection will be made by the lecturer.

Admission restriction

All students enrolled in the master program “Economics” and “Public Economics” are applicable. Knowledge of innovation economics and/or innovation policy is recommended.

Course Timetable

The dates can be found in the course catalog or Blackboard. Please note that there may be changes at short notice.

Any changes to the schedule or further information will be communicated via Blackboard.

All dates are to be regarded as mandatory dates.


List of Topics



1) Wind onshore

Rohe, S., Chlebna, C., 2021. A spatial perspective on the legitimacy of a technological innovation system: Regional differences in onshore wind energy. Energy Policy 151, 112193.


2) Wood-based bioeconomy

Purkus, A., Hagemann, N., Bedtke, N., Gawel, E., 2018. Towards a sustainable innovation system for the German wood-based bioeconomy: Implications for policy design. Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 3955-3968.


3) Power-to-X

Decourt, B., 2019. Weaknesses and drivers for power-to-X diffusion in Europe. Insights from technological innovation system analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44, 17411-17430.


4) Biogas

Markard, J., Wirth, S., & Truffer, B. (2016). Institutional dynamics and technology legitimacy–A framework and a case study on biogas technology. Research Policy, 45(1), 330-344.

5) Sustainable aviation

Kim, Y., Lee, J., & Ahn, J. (2019). Innovation towards sustainable technologies: A socio-technical perspective on accelerating transition to aviation biofuel. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 317-329.

6) Battery-electric vehicles

Weiss, D., & Nemeczek, F. (2021). A text-based monitoring tool for the legitimacy and guidance of technological innovation systems. Technology in Society, 66, 101686.

7) Blockchain

Allen, D. W., Berg, C., Markey-Towler, B., Novak, M., & Potts, J. (2020). Blockchain and the evolution of institutional technologies: Implications for innovation policy. Research Policy, 49(1), 103865.

8) Platform economy

Piétron, D., & Staab, P. (2021). EU gegen Big Tech: Das Ende der Gesetzlosigkeit. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 2(2021), 95-101.

9) Electricity ecosystem digitalization

Hack, T., Ma, Z., & Jørgensen, B. N. (2021). Digitalisation potentials in the electricity ecosystem: lesson learnt from the comparison between Germany and Denmark. Energy Informatics, 4(2), 1-18.

10) Semiconductors

Poitiers, N. and P. Weil (2021) 'A new direction for the European Union’s half-hearted semiconductor strategy', Policy Contribution 17/2021, Bruegel

11) Battery production for electric vehicles

Gaddi, M., & Garbellini, N. (2021). Automotive Global Value Chains in Europe. Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper Series, (160).

12) Circular economy

Mohajan, H. (2021). Germany is Ahead to Implement Sustainable Circular Economy.

Ideas for further topics are always welcome!



Suggested reading

Introductory Literature:

Fagerberg, J. (2002). A Layman's Guide to Evolutionary Economics (No. 17). Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo. (https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Hekkert, M. P., Suurs, R. A., Negro, S. O., Kuhlmann, S., & Smits, R. E. (2007). Functions of innovation systems: A new approach for analyzing technological change. Technological forecasting and social change, 74(4), 413-432.

Recommended Literature:

Edmondson, D.L., Kern, F., Rogge, K.S., 2019. The co-evolution of policy mixes and socio-technical systems: Towards a conceptual framework of policy mix feedback in sustainability transitions. Research Policy 48, 103555.

Eisenhardt, K.M., Graebner, M.E., 2007. Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges. The Academy of Management Journal 50, 25-32.

Flanagan, K., Uyarra, E., 2016. Four dangers in innovation policy studies – and how to avoid them. Industry and Innovation 23, 177-188.

Flanagan, K., Uyarra, E., Laranja, M., 2011. Reconceptualising the ‘policy mix’ for innovation. Research Policy 40, 702-713.

Schmidt, P., 2018. Market failure vs. system failure as a rationale for economic policy? A critique from an evolutionary perspective. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 28, 785-803.

Slembeck, T., 2004. Ideologies, beliefs, and economic advice - A cognitive-evolutionary view on economic policy, in: Pelikan, P., Wegner, G. (Eds.), The evolutionary of economic policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 128-161.

Weber, M., Biegelbauer, P., Brodnik, C., Dachs, B., Dreher, C., Kovac, M., Schartinger, D., Schwäbe, C., 2021. Agilität in der F&I-Politik. Konzept, Definition, Operationalisierung, Studie zum deutschen Innovationssystem Nr. 8-2021. German Expert Commission for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation, EFI).

Witt, U., 2003. Economic policy making in evolutionary perspective. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 13, 77-94.

Wang, Q.-J., Feng, G.-F., Chen, Y.E., Wen, J., Chang, C.-P., 2019. The impacts of government ideology on innovation: What are the main implications? Research Policy 48, 1232-1247.

Wanzenböck, I., Wesseling, J.H., Frenken, K., Hekkert, M.P., Weber, K.M., 2020. A framework for mission-oriented innovation policy: Alternative pathways through the problem–solution space. Science and Public Policy 47, 474-489.

Example Studies:

Hoppmann, J., Huenteler, J., Girod, B., 2014. Compulsive policy-making—The evolution of the German feed-in tariff system for solar photovoltaic power. Research Policy 43, 1422-1441.

Reichardt, K., Rogge, K.S., Negro, S.O., 2017. Unpacking policy processes for addressing systemic problems in technological innovation systems: The case of offshore wind in Germany. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80, 1217-1226.

Reichardt, K., Negro, S.O., Rogge, K.S., Hekkert, M.P., 2016. Analyzing interdependencies between policy mixes and technological innovation systems: The case of offshore wind in Germany. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 106, 11-21.


5 Class schedule

Regular appointments

Tue, 2021-10-19 14:00 - 16:00

013 Seminarraum UG (Thielallee 73)

Tue, 2021-11-16 14:00 - 16:00

013 Seminarraum UG (Thielallee 73)

Fri, 2021-12-17 12:00 - 18:00

013 Seminarraum UG (Thielallee 73)

Thu, 2022-01-20 14:00 - 20:00

013 Seminarraum UG (Thielallee 73)

Fri, 2022-01-21 12:00 - 18:00

013 Seminarraum UG (Thielallee 73)

Subjects A - Z