WiSe 21/22: Introduction to C++
Chris Bielow
Additional information / Pre-requisites
This course is primarily aimed at students of bioinformatics (in preparation for the module "Algorithms and Data Structures" in the third semester). Students of computer science are also allowed to participate, provided that places are available.
11.10.2021 - 15.10.2021
28.02.2022 - 11.03.2022
The course is held as a two-part block course over a total of three weeks. One week takes place before the lecture period (11.10.2021 - 15.10.2021) and two weeks after the lecture period (28.02.2022 - 11.03.2022). Every day there is a two-hour theoretical introduction. Afterwards, the theory is put into practice in a two-hour exercise (in the form of programming tasks). The course is aimed at students with little or no previous knowledge of C++. Previous knowledge of object-oriented programming is required.
Contents (preliminary planning)
1st week: Basics
Basic language elements
Creation of simple programs
Compiler / Linker
data types
2nd week: Deepening
object orientation
Week 3: Mixed topics
lambda expressions
rValue References
14 Class schedule
Regular appointments