WiSe 21/22: Growth factor signalling interplay with cell mechanics
Petra Knaus, Sigmar Stricker
Importance of mechanics for tissue regeneration
Cell mechanics in human development, tissue repair and diverse pathologies
Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
Signalling pathways regulating cell mechanics and ECM
Molecules involved in cell mechanics and ECM
Blood vessel biology and importance for fluid shear stress
bone biology and importance for mechanical loading
Tools for cellular force application in-vitro
Tools to study (visualize, quantify) cellular forces in-vitro
Prof. Dr. P. Knaus: knaus@chemie.fu-berlin.de
Prof. Dr. S. Stricker: sigmar.stricker@fu-berlin.de
Dr. Ch.Hiepen: christian.hiepen@fu-berlin.de
Importance of mechanics for tissue regeneration
Cell mechanics in human development, tissue repair and diverse pathologies
Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
Signalling pathways regulating cell mechanics and ECM
Molecules involved in cell mechanics and ECM
Blood vessel biology and importance for fluid shear stress
bone biology and importance for mechanical loading
Tools for cellular force application in-vitro
Tools to study (visualize, quantify) cellular forces in-vitro
Prof. Dr. P. Knaus: knaus@chemie.fu-berlin.de
Prof. Dr. S. Stricker: sigmar.stricker@fu-berlin.de
Dr. Ch.Hiepen: christian.hiepen@fu-berlin.de