WiSe 21/22: PS-Introduction to Linguistics II
Britta Stuhl
Information for students
Linguistics is the scientific study of language. The aims of linguistics are to understand human communication, cognition and psychology and the evolution of languages as communication systems. Language is fascinating to study for its own sake, but a knowledge of linguistics is also extremely helpful for a range of other activities, for instance language teaching, translating/interpreting or developing artificial intelligence.
This seminar introduces students to basic concepts and methods in linguistics. We will study phenomena on various levels of analysis (phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax), with English as our primary object of investigation and occasional glances at other languages. They will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to read adacemic literature and to carry out linguistic analyses of their own in more advanced modules and pursue further studies in the discipline.
The seminar is complemented by an obligatory lecture course.
This seminar will be offered live (online or offline) during its allotted time slot. Regular and active participation is obligatory.
You will receive information and complementary video and reading materials as well as weekly homework assignments via email and a course blog. Please check your university e-mail account regularly and contact us immediately in case of any technical problems or questions.
We’re looking forward to meeting you!
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