WiSe 21/22  
Political and S...  
Digital Media a...  

WiSe 21/22: Institute of Media and Communication Studies

Digital Media and Technology


Hinweise zum Erstsemester-Orientierungstag und zur Lehrplanung im WS 21/22 (Stand: 29.09.2021):

Der Orientierungstag für die BA-/MA-Erstsemester des Instituts für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft wird am b>Dienstag, den 12.10.2021 von 10-15 Uhr in Hörsaal 1b in der Rostlaube (Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin) stattfinden. Aufgrund der begrenzten Raumkapazitäten bitten wir Sie um eine Anmeldung bis zum Freitag, 08.10. auf der Seite: https://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/kommwiss/studium/nuetzliches_zum_studium/Anmeldung-zur-Einfuehrungsveranstaltung/Anmeldung-zur-Einfuehrungsveranstaltung.

Aktuell gilt die 3G-Regel und eine FFP2-Maskenpflicht während der gesamten Veranstaltung.

Für alle Erstsemester, die nicht persönlich an dem Orientierungstag am 12.10. teilnehmen können, werden die Präsentationen voraussichtlich live gestreamt. Der passende Link wird hier und auf der Homepage des Instituts rechtzeitig bekanntgegeben.

Im Wintersemester 21/22 werden alle Vorlesungen weiterhin im Online-Format angeboten. Alle anderen Lehrveranstaltungsformen (Seminare, Übungen, Tutorien, Praxisseminare, Colloquien) planen wir dagegen zumindest teilweise als (Teil-)Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen; falls Lehrveranstaltungen weiterhin ausschließlich im Online-Format geplant werden, ist dies in der Raumangabe (bzw. im Kurzkommentar) zum jeweiligen Kurs ersichtlich (wird laufend aktualisiert). Bitte beachten Sie, dass auch die 1. Sitzung vieler Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen online abgehalten wird (dies ist im LV-Kommentar vermerkt); in diesem Fall wird in der 1. Sitzung gemeinsam über den weiteren Ablauf der Lehrveranstaltung entschieden.

Entsprechend der seit kurzem https: gültigen Dritten SARS-CoV-2-Infektionsschutzmaßnahmenverordnung des Landes Berlin kann unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen der 1,5-Meter-Abstand in Hochschulen unterschritten werden (aktuelle Informationen finden Sie auch auf der zentralen FU-Seite zur Coronavirus-Pandemie sowie Hinweise speziell für FU-Studierende auf der Seite #yeswecampus).

Bitte informieren Sie sich regelmäßig auf der Instituts-Homepage und im Blackboard-Bereich Ihrer Lehrveranstaltungen zur Planung von Präsenz-/Hybrid-/Online-Lehre im WS 21/22.

    • (P) Introduction to Digital Media and Technology 40039 0101aA2.1.
    • (P) Introduction to Programming 40017 0101aA2.2
    • (P) Algorithms and Data Structures 40022 0101aA2.3
    • (P) Web Technologies 1100 0101aA2.4
    • (P) Computer Organization 40019 0101aA3.1
    • (P) Signals and Systems 19 0101aA3.2
    • (P) Lineare Algebra für Ingenieure 5 0101aA4.1
    • (P) Analysis I für Ingenieurwissenschaften 20132 0101aA4.2
    • (P) Analysis II B für Ingenieurwissenschaften 20131 0101aA4.3
    • (P) Integral Transformations and Partial Differential Equations 113 0101aA4.4
    • (P) Analysis I and Linear Algebra for Engineering Sciences 20132 0101aA4.5
    • (P) Analysis II and Linear Algebra for Engineering Sciences 20131 0101aA4.6
    • (P) Project Media Development 40051 0101aA5.1
    • (P) Scientific Work in Digital Media and Technology 40052 0101aA5.2
    • (P) Communication Research Methods 40053 0101aA5.3
    • (P) Interdisciplinary Media Project 40054 0101aA5.4
    • Project Media Development 40051 0101aA5.5
    • Scientific Work in Digital Media and Technology 40052 0101aA5.6
    • Communication Research Methods 40053 0101aA5.7
    • Interdisciplinary Media Project 40054 (TU) 0101aA5.8
    • (Required elective) Speech Signal Processing and Speech Technology 902 0101aB2.1
    • (Required elective) Computer Graphics I (Fundamentals) 1270 0101aB2.2
    • (Required elective) IP-based Multimedia and Assessment 988 0101aB2.3
    • (Required elective) Software Engineering 40029 0101aB2.4
    • (WPF) Information systems and data analysis 0101aB2.5
    • (Required elective) Usability Engineering 843 0101aB2.6
    • (Required elective) Communication acoustics 695 0101aB2.7
    • (Required elective) Digital Image Processing 879 0101aB2.8
    • (Elective) credited module 1 0101aC1.1
    • (Elective) credited module 2 0101aC1.2
    • (Elective) credited module 3 0101aC1.3
    • Upper intermediate English 2 for academic professions 0105cA1.10
    • Advanced English 1a for academic professions 0105cA1.11
    • Advanced English 1b for academic professions 0105cA1.12
    • Advanced English 2 for academic professions 0105cA1.13
    • Intermediate Module 2: French 0105cA1.15
    • Intermediate Module 3: French 0105cA1.16
    • Intermediate Module 4: French 0105cA1.17
    • Advanced Module 1: French 0105cA1.18
    • Advanced Module 2: French 0105cA1.19
    • Intermediate Module 2: Arabic 0105cA1.2
    • Advanced Module 3: French 0105cA1.20
    • Introductory Module: Italian 0105cA1.21
    • Intermediate Module 2: Italian 0105cA1.22
    • Intermediate Module 3: Italian 0105cA1.23
    • Intermediate Module 4: Italian 0105cA1.24
    • Advanced Module 1: Italian 0105cA1.25
    • Advanced Module 2: Italian 0105cA1.26
    • Advanced Module 3: Italian 0105cA1.27
    • Introductory Module: Dutch 0105cA1.28
    • Intermediate Module 2: Dutch 0105cA1.29
    • Intermediate Module 3: Arabic 0105cA1.3
    • Intermediate Module 3: Dutch 0105cA1.30
    • Introductory Module: Polish 0105cA1.31
    • Intermediate Module 2: Polish 0105cA1.32
    • Intermediate Module 3: Polish 0105cA1.33
    • Intermediate Module 4: Polish 0105cA1.34
    • Introductory Module: Portuguese 0105cA1.35
    • Intermediate Module 2: Portuguese 0105cA1.36
    • Intermediate Module 3: Portuguese 0105cA1.37
    • Intermediate Module 4: Portuguese 0105cA1.38
    • Advanced Module 1: Portuguese 0105cA1.39
    • Intermediate Module 4: Arabic 0105cA1.4
    • Advanced Module 2: Portuguese 0105cA1.40
    • Advanced Module 3: Portuguese 0105cA1.41
    • Introductory Module: Russian 0105cA1.42
    • Intermediate Module 2: Russian 0105cA1.43
    • Intermediate Module 3: Russian 0105cA1.44
    • Intermediate Module 4: Russian 0105cA1.45
    • Intermediate Module 5: Russian 0105cA1.46
    • Intermediate Module 2: Spanish 0105cA1.48
    • Intermediate Module 3: Spanish 0105cA1.49
    • Advanced Module: German as a Foreign Language 0105cA1.5
    • Intermediate Module 4: Spanish 0105cA1.50
    • Advanced Module 1: Spanish 0105cA1.51
    • Advanced Module 2: Spanish 0105cA1.52
    • Advanced Module 3: Spanish 0105cA1.53
    • Introductory Module: Turkish 0105cA1.54
    • Intermediate Module 2: Turkish 0105cA1.55
    • Intermediate Module 3: Turkish 0105cA1.56
    • Intermediate Module 4: Turkish 0105cA1.57
    • Introductory Module: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.58
    • Intermediate Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.59
    • Specialization Module A: German as a Foreign Language - Fields of Interaction in Academia 0105cA1.6
    • Intermediate Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.60
    • Intermediate Module 4: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.61
    • Advanced Module 1: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.62
    • Advanced Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.63
    • Advanced Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.64
    • Intermediate Module 5: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.65
    • Specialization Module B: German as a Foreign Language - Forms of Discourse in Academia 0105cA1.7
    • Specialization Module C: German as a Foreign Language - Working with Texts and Working on Texts 0105cA1.8
    • Upper intermediate English 1 for academic professions 0105cA1.9
    • Module A: Digital Publishing and Presentation 0105cA2.1
    • Module B: Digital Project Management 0105cA2.2
    • Module C: The Internet: Professional Usage and Presentation 0105cA2.3
    • Module D: Information Literacy 0105cA2.4
    • Module E: Operating Systems and Programming 0105cA2.5
    • Module F: Print Media Layout and Design 0105cA2.6
    • Module G: Digital Data Analysis and Statistical Methods 0105cA2.7
    • E-Business 0105cA4.3
    • Net Economy - Case Studies in the International Learning Network (GPP) 0105cA4.4
    • BusinessplanLab - Creating a Business Plan 0105cA4.5
    • Funpreneur Competition - Launching a Student Company 0105cA4.6
    • Principles, Ideas, and Business Models for Starting a Company 0105cA4.7
    • Mediation and Negotiation Techniques 0105cA5.1
    • Optimization of Personal Work Processes 0105cA5.2
    • Presenting, Debating, Facilitating 0105cA5.3
    • Professional Internship - A 0105cA6.1
    • Professional Internship - B 0105cA6.2
    • Professional Internship - C 0105cA6.3
    • Professional Internship Abroad - A 0105cA6.4
    • Professional Internship Abroad - B 0105cA6.5
    • Professional Internship Abroad - C 0105cA6.6
    • Advanced English 1b for Academic Professions 0105dA1.13
    • Intermediate Module 4: Polish 0105dA1.35
    • Intermediate Module 5: Arabic 0105dA1.5
    • Introductory Module: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.61
    • Intermediate Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.62
    • Intermediate Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.63
    • Intermediate Module 4: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.64
    • Advanced Module 1: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.65
    • Advanced Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.66
    • Advanced Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.67
    • Intermediate Module 5: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.68
    • E-Business 0105dA4.3
    • Principles, Ideas, and Business Models for Starting a Company 0105dA4.7
    • Mentoring and Tutoring Qualification 0105dA5.5
    • Understanding University 0105dA7.2
    • Introductory Module: Arabic 0105eA1.1
    • Specialization Module A: German as a Foreign Language - Fields of Interaction in Academia 0105eA1.10
    • Deutsch als Fremdsprache Vertiefungsmodul B - Diskursformen in Hochschule und B eruf 0105eA1.11
    • Specialization Module C: German as a Foreign Language - Working with Texts and Working on Texts 0105eA1.12
    • Upper Intermediate English 1 for Academic Professions 0105eA1.13
    • Upper Intermediate English 2 for Academic Professions 0105eA1.14
    • Advanced English 1a for Academic Professions 0105eA1.15
    • Advanced English 1b for Academic Professions 0105eA1.16
    • Advanced English 2 for Academic Professions 0105eA1.17
    • Introductory Module: French 0105eA1.18
    • Intermediate Module 2: French 0105eA1.19
    • Intermediate Module 2: Arabic 0105eA1.2
    • Intermediate Module 3: French 0105eA1.20
    • Intermediate Module 4: French 0105eA1.21
    • Advanced Module 1: French 0105eA1.22
    • Advanced Module 2: French 0105eA1.23
    • Advanced Module 3: French 0105eA1.24
    • Introductory Module: Italian 0105eA1.25
    • Intermediate Module 2: Italian 0105eA1.26
    • Intermediate Module 3: Italian 0105eA1.27
    • Intermediate Module 4: Italian 0105eA1.28
    • Advanced Module 1: Italian 0105eA1.29
    • Intermediate Module 3: Arabic 0105eA1.3
    • Advanced Module 2: Italian 0105eA1.30
    • Advanced Module 3: Italian 0105eA1.31
    • Introductory Module: Dutch 0105eA1.32
    • Intermediate Module 2: Dutch 0105eA1.33
    • Intermediate Module 3: Dutch 0105eA1.34
    • Persisch ABV Einstiegsmodul 0105eA1.35
    • Persisch ABV Grundmodul 2 0105eA1.36
    • Introductory Module: Polish 0105eA1.37
    • Intermediate Module 2: Polish 0105eA1.38
    • Intermediate Module 3: Polish 0105eA1.39
    • Intermediate Module 4: Arabic 0105eA1.4
    • Intermediate Module 4: Polish 0105eA1.40
    • Introductory Module: Portuguese 0105eA1.41
    • Intermediate Module 2: Portuguese 0105eA1.42
    • Intermediate Module 3: Portuguese 0105eA1.43
    • Intermediate Module 4: Portuguese 0105eA1.44
    • Advanced Module 1: Portuguese 0105eA1.45
    • Advanced Module 2: Portuguese 0105eA1.46
    • Advanced Module 3: Portuguese 0105eA1.47
    • Introductory Module: Russian 0105eA1.48
    • Intermediate Module 2: Russian 0105eA1.49
    • Intermediate Module 5: Arabic 0105eA1.5
    • Intermediate Module 3: Russian 0105eA1.50
    • Intermediate Module 4: Russian 0105eA1.51
    • Intermediate Module 5: Russian 0105eA1.52
    • Russisch Aufbaumodul 1 0105eA1.53
    • Introductory Module: Spanish 0105eA1.54
    • Intermediate Module 2: Spanish 0105eA1.55
    • Intermediate Module 3: Spanish 0105eA1.56
    • Intermediate Module 4: Spanish 0105eA1.57
    • Advanced Module 1: Spanish 0105eA1.58
    • Advanced Module 2: Spanish 0105eA1.59
    • ABV Grundmodul Arabische Dialekte I 0105eA1.6
    • Advanced Module 3: Spanish 0105eA1.60
    • Introductory Module: Turkish 0105eA1.61
    • Intermediate Module 2: Turkish 0105eA1.62
    • Intermediate Module 3: Turkish 0105eA1.63
    • Intermediate Module 4: Turkish 0105eA1.64
    • Intermediate Module 5: Turkish 0105eA1.65
    • Introductory Module: Other Foreign Language 0105eA1.66
    • Intermediate Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105eA1.67
    • Intermediate Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105eA1.68
    • Intermediate Module 4: Other Foreign Language 0105eA1.69
    • ABV Grundmodul Arabische Dialekte II 0105eA1.7
    • Advanced Module 1: Other Foreign Language 0105eA1.70
    • Advanced Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105eA1.71
    • Advanced Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105eA1.72
    • Intermediate Module 5: Other Foreign Language 0105eA1.73
    • Deutsch als Fremdsprache Fundierungsmodul 0105eA1.8
    • Advanced Module: German as a Foreign Language 0105eA1.9
    • Module A: Digital Publishing and Presentation 0105eA2.1
    • Module B: Digital Project Management 0105eA2.2
    • Module C: Online Communication and Presentation 0105eA2.3
    • Module D: Information Literacy 0105eA2.4
    • Module E: Object-Oriented Programming 0105eA2.5
    • Module F: Print Media Layout and Design 0105eA2.6
    • Module G: Digital Data Analysis and Statistical Methods 0105eA2.7
    • Modul H: Multimediaproduktion 0105eA2.8
    • Gender and Diversity: Key Social Categories in the 21st Century 0105eA3.1
    • Gender, Diversity, and Gender Mainstreaming 0105eA3.2
    • Diversity Management 0105eA3.3
    • Gender and Diversity: Collaborative Projects 0105eA3.4
    • Gender and Diversity in International Contexts 0105eA3.5
    • Principles of Business Management (GPS) 0105eA4.1
    • Principles of Marketing (GPS) 0105eA4.2
    • E-Business 0105eA4.3
    • Net Economy - Case Studies in the International Learning Network (GPP) 0105eA4.4
    • BusinessplanLab - Creating a Business Plan 0105eA4.5
    • Funpreneur Competition - Launching a Student Company 0105eA4.6
    • Principles, Ideas, and Business Models for Starting a Company 0105eA4.7
    • Mediation and Negotiation Techniques 0105eA5.1
    • Shaping your Personal Study and Work Routines 0105eA5.2
    • Presenting, Debating, Facilitating 0105eA5.3
    • Project Management 0105eA5.4
    • Gruppenleitung in Lehr-Lern-Kontexten 0105eA5.5
    • Nachhaltigkeit verstehen 0105eA6.1
    • Managing Sustainability 0105eA6.2
    • Communicating Sustainability 0105eA6.3
    • Researching Sustainability 0105eA6.4
    • Nachhaltigkeit gestalten 0105eA6.5
    • Science and Society 0105eA7.1
    • Understanding University 0105eA7.2
    • Forschungsarbeit A 0105eA7.3
    • Forschungsarbeit B 0105eA7.4
    • Media Practice 0105eA8.1
    • Professional Internship - A 0105eA9.1
    • Professional Internship - B 0105eA9.2
    • Professional Internship - C 0105eA9.3
    • Berufsbezogenes Auslandspraktikum - A 0105eA9.4
    • Berufsbezogenes Auslandspraktikum - B 0105eA9.5
    • Berufsbezogenes Auslandspraktikum - C 0105eA9.6

Subjects A - Z