WiSe 21/22  
Biology, Chemis...  
Master Biology ...  

WiSe 21/22: Biology

Master Biology (Enrollment since WT18/19 / SPO2018)

    • Angewandte Bioinformatik (10 LP) 0388cB1.1
    • Spezialisierung zu ausgewählten Themen der Biologie (20 LP) 0388cB1.7
    • Aktuelle Aspekte der Mikrobiologie (5 LP) 0388cB2.1
    • Advanced Microbiology (10 CP) 0388cB2.10
    • Molekulare Virologie (20 LP) 0388cB2.15
    • Aktuelle Aspekte der Molekular- und Zellbiologie (5 LP) 0388cB3.1
    • Genetically Modified Crop Plants in Research and Agriculture (5 CP) 0388cB3.10
    • Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (10 LP) 0388cB3.11
    • Biochemistry and physiology of stress in Plants (15 CP) 0388cB3.15
    • Molecular and Development Biology of Plants (15 CP) 0388cB3.16
    • Molecular Physiology of Plant Acclimatisation and Adaption (15 CP) 0388cB3.18
    • Special Molecular and Cell Biology (15 CP) 0388cB3.19
    • Hormone Biology of Plants (5 CP) 0388cB3.9
    • Aktuelle Aspekte der Neuro- und Verhaltensbiologie (5 LP) 0388cB4.1
    • Development and Function of Neuronal Circuits (10 CP) 0388cB4.10
    • Verhaltensneurogenetik (10 LP) 0388cB4.11
    • Behavioural Biology (15 CP) 0388cB4.17
    • Aktuelle Themen der Paläontologie (5 LP) 0388cB5.10
    • New Trends in Ecological Sciences (5CP) 0388cB5.14
    • Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions (5CP) 0388cB5.15
    • Collection Management - Curation (5 CP) 0388cB5.16
    • Flora and Vegetation of example habitats (10 CP) 0388cB5.20
    • Ecology of Plants, Fungi and Micro-organisms (15 CP) 0388cB5.26
    • Current topics in Freshwater Ecology: Structure, Function and Dynamics (5CP) 0388cB5.9
    • Aktuelle Aspekte der Pflanzenwissenschaften (5 LP) 0388cB6.1
    • Current topics in Plant Sciences (5 CP) 0388cB6.3
    • Applied Plant Sciences (5 CP) 0388cB6.5
    • Research Topics in Plant Biology in DCPS (5 CP) 0388cB6.6
    • In-depth Plant Sciences (10 CP) 0388cB6.7
    • Topics in Plant Sciences (15 CP) 0388cB6.8

Subjects A - Z