WiSe 21/22: Cross-disciplinary courses
Environmental Earth Sciences
Geographical Information Processing - Advanced
V - Fernerkundung und Geographische Informationsverarbeitung für Fortgeschrittene (Sören Hese)
Schedule: Di 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-19)
Location: G 202 Hörsaal Geographie (Malteserstr. 74-100 G)
PC-based Seminar
PC-S - Fernerkundung und digitale Bildverarbeitung für Fortgeschrittene (Marion Stellmes)
Schedule: Mi 08:00-11:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-20)
Location: G 108 CIP-Pool (Malteserstr. 74-100 G)
Ecosystem Dynamics 0392aA1.2
Environmental Hydrogeology 0392aA1.3
Weather and Climate Diagnosis 0392aA1.4
Landscape-Forming Processes and Material Flows 0392aB1.1
Morphodynamics 0392aB1.2
Modeling in Environmental Hydrology 0392aB2.1
Landscape Archaeology 0392aB2.2
Climate Models 0392aB2.3
Applied Environmental Hydrogeology 0392aB2.4
Chinese 0392aC1.1
LE 1: Ocean Dynamics 0392aC2.1
LE 2: Advanced Marine Geology 0392aC2.2
LE 3: Introduction to Coastal Sciences 0392aC2.3
LE 1: Progress in Physical Geography 0392aC3.1
LE 2: Interlinked Environmental Processes 0392aC3.2
LE 3: Watersheds and Environmental Change 0392aC3.3
LE 1: Recent Advances in Mineral Deposit Research 0392aC4.1
LE 2: Global Changes 0392aC4.2
LE 1: Hydrometeorology 0392aC5.1
LE 2: Atmospheric Chemistry 0392aC5.2