WiSe 21/22  
Centre for Teac...  
Subject Didacti...  

WiSe 21/22: AUSGELAUFEN: Lehramt Gymnasium – Quereinstieg (ab 2016 bis Ende SoSe 2021)

Subject Didactics

  • Teaching methodology Mathematics - selected topics

    • 19230015 Advanced seminar
      Mathematics Education - Selected Topics (Karin Bergmann)
      Schedule: Do 10:00-13:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-21)
      Location: A3/019 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 3-5)
    • 19230115 Advanced seminar
      Mathematics Education - Selected Topics (Martina Lenze)
      Schedule: Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2022-03-14)
      Location: A6/017 Frontalunterrichtsraum (Bioinf) (Arnimallee 6)
  • Teaching methodology Mathematics - development, evaluation and research

  • Student Teaching Lab: Mathematics (Subject 2)

  • Mathematics area of specialisation

    • 19201301 Lecture
      Analysis III (Carsten Gräser)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-19)
      Location: T9/046 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19201901 Lecture
      Functional Analysis (Péter Koltai)
      Schedule: Mi 08:00-10:00, Do 08:00-10:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-20)
      Location: Virtueller Raum 29
    • 19202001 Lecture
      Discrete Geometrie I (Christian Haase, Florian Frick)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Mi 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-19)
      Location: A6/SR 032 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
    • 19202601 Lecture
      Differential Geometry I (Konrad Polthier)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00, Do 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-19)
      Location: Virtueller Raum 21
    • 19201302 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Analysis III (Carsten Gräser)
      Schedule: Di 08:00-10:00, Di 12:00-14:00, Mi 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-19)
      Location: A3/019 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 3-5)
    • 19201902 Practice seminar
      Tutorial: Functional Analysis (Maximilian Engel, Péter Koltai)
      Schedule: Do 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-21)
      Location: Virtueller Raum 21
    • 19202002 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Discrete Geometrie I (Sophie Rehberg)
      Schedule: Mi 14:00-16:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-13)
      Location: A6/SR 032 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
    • 19202602 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Differential Geometry I (Henriette-Sophie Lipschütz)
      Schedule: Fr 08:00-10:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-22)
      Location: Virtueller Raum 26
    • 19202210 Proseminar
      Proseminar on Discrete Mathematics I (Ralf Borndörfer)
      Schedule: Fr 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-22)
      Location: A7/SR 140 Seminarraum (Hinterhaus) (Arnimallee 7)
  • Analysis I

    • 19202801 Lecture
      Analysis I (Bernold Fiedler)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Do 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-19)
      Location: Virtueller Raum 01
    • 19202802 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Analysis I (Bernold Fiedler)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Mi 12:00-14:00, Do 08:00-10:00, Do 12:00-14:00, Do 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-18)
      Location: A7/SR 031 (Arnimallee 7)
  • Analysis II

    • 19211601 Lecture
      Analysis II (Holger Reich)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-19)
      Location: A3/Hs 001 Hörsaal (Arnimallee 3-5)
    • 19211602 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Analysis II (Holger Reich)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Mo 12:00-14:00, Mi 10:00-12:00, Do 08:00-10:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-18)
      Location: A6/SR 025/026 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
  • Linear Algebra I

    • 19201401 Lecture
      Linear Algebra I (Dirk Werner)
      Schedule: Mo 08:00-10:00, Mi 08:00-10:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-18)
      Location: A3/Hs 001 Hörsaal (Arnimallee 3-5)
    • 19201402 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Linear Algebra I (Dirk Werner)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Mo 14:00-16:00, Mi 12:00-14:00, Mi 14:00-16:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-18)
      Location: A6/SR 007/008 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
  • Linear Algebra II

    • 19211701 Lecture
      Linear Algebra II (Alexander Schmitt)
      Schedule: Mi 12:00-14:00, Fr 08:00-10:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-22)
      Location: A3/Hs 001 Hörsaal (Arnimallee 3-5)
    • 19211702 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Linear Algebra II (Alexander Schmitt)
      Schedule: Mi 08:00-10:00, Fr 10:00-12:00, Fr 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-20)
      Location: T9/055 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Stochastics I

    • 19200601 Lecture
      Stochastics I (Nicolas Perkowski)
      Schedule: Mo 08:00-10:00, Do 08:00-10:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-18)
      Location: T9/Gr. Hörsaal (Takustr. 9)
    • 19200602 Practice seminar
      Tutorial: Stochastics I (Immanuel Zachhuber)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-18)
      Location: A3/019 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 3-5)
  • Algebra and Number Theory

    • 19200701 Lecture
      Algebra and Theory of Numbers (Alexandru Constantinescu)
      Schedule: Mi 12:00-16:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-20)
      Location: Gr. Hörsaal (Raum B.001) (Arnimallee 22)
    • 19200702 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Algebra and Theory of Numbers (Alexandru Constantinescu)
      Schedule: Do 10:00-12:00, Do 12:00-14:00, Do 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-21)
      Location: A6/SR 007/008 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
  • Proseminar mathematics for teaching (5 CP)

  • Computer-Oriented Mathematics I

    • 19200501 Lecture
      Computerorientated Mathematics I (5 LP) (Christof Schütte)
      Schedule: Fr 12:00-14:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2021-10-22)
      Location: T9/Gr. Hörsaal (Takustr. 9)
    • 19200502 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Computerorientated Mathematics I (5 LP) (Andreas Bittracher, Christof Schütte)
      Schedule: Mo 12:00-14:00, Mo 14:00-16:00, Mo 16:00-18:00, Mi 12:00-14:00, Do 12:00-14:00, Fr 10:00-12:00, Fr 14:00-16:00, Fr 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2021-10-18)
      Location: A6/SR 025/026 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)

Subjects A - Z