33320 Seminar

SoSe 17: Migrations to and from Latin America, Past and Present

Luis Felipe Rubio Isla

Hinweise für Studierende

This course will be an online e-learning course. There will be solely one presential meeting for organization, on the 19th of April (see underneath). The medium of instruction will be in English; ... Lesen Sie weiter


Migration to, from and within Latin America are made up of structures that are in constant movement and transformation. Mobilities from the 19th Century to present day have shaped and reshaped a ... Lesen Sie weiter


Castles, Stephen. 2007. "Twenty-First-Century Migration as a Challenge to Sociology." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 33 (3): 351-371. - Boehm, Deborah A. 2009. "¿Quien Sabe?": Deportation ... Lesen Sie weiter

Zusätzliche Termine

Mi, 19.04.2017 16:00 - 18:00

Studienfächer A-Z