Graduate Course
SoSe 18: American Art and Diaspora
Lauren Kroiz
This seminar will introduce students to theories of diaspora, using them as a lens through which to
examine the relationships of American art’s audiences, authors, and objects. We will consider
diaspora broadly as heterogeneous movements that scatter individuals and populations. Our course
will work comparatively to consider multiple groups within the context of the United States, drawing
especially on theorizations developed in African diaspora studies and Jewish studies. In so doing we
will be attentive to the varied forms of voluntary and involuntary migration as they occur within
transnational networks of power. Case studies on creative expression will include exile, selfdetermination,
cooperation, trauma, display and narrative. Introducing “otherness” and “difference”
as key terms, our emphasis on diaspora will trouble the idea of a singular American art. -----
Please register at: culture@jfki.fu-berlin.de with your name, matriculation number, study program,
home university, zedat email address or email address of home university, and type of exchange
program (if applicable). Deadline for registration is April 15, 2018. Enrollment for the course is capped
at 40 students. A final list of participants will be published on April 17. close
10 Class schedule
Regular appointments
Wed, 2018-04-18 14:00 - 16:00
Wed, 2018-04-25 14:00 - 16:00
Wed, 2018-05-02 14:00 - 16:00
Wed, 2018-05-09 14:00 - 16:00
Wed, 2018-05-16 14:00 - 16:00
Wed, 2018-05-30 14:00 - 16:00
Wed, 2018-06-06 14:00 - 16:00
Wed, 2018-06-13 14:00 - 16:00
Wed, 2018-06-20 14:00 - 16:00
Wed, 2018-06-27 14:00 - 16:00