SoSe 20  
Earth Sciences  

SoSe 20: Meteorology


  • Models for Weather and Environment

    • 24813a Lecture
      Models for Weather and Environment (Stephan Pfahl, Timothy Butler, Martijn Schaap)
      Schedule: Fr 09:15-10:45, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2020-04-24)
      Location: keine Angabe
    • 24813d Practice seminar
      Models for Weather and Environment (Ingo Kirchner)
      Schedule: Mo 13:30-15:00, Fr 10:45-12:15 (Class starts on: 2020-04-20)
      Location: keine Angabe
  • Theoretical Meteorology II

    • 24814a Lecture
      Theoretical Meteorology II (Peter Nevir)
      Schedule: Di 10:30-12:00, Mi 10:30-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2020-04-21)
      Location: 189 Neuer Hörsaal (Carl-Heinr.Becker Weg 6-10)
    • 24814b Practice seminar
      Theoretical Meteorology II (Annette Müller)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-15:30 (Class starts on: 2020-04-21)
      Location: keine Angabe
  • Extreme Meteorological Events

    • 24815a Lecture
      Extreme Meteorological Events (Timothy Butler, Christoph Gatzen, Henning Rust, Uwe Ulbrich)
      Schedule: Do 12:30-14:00, Do 23:58-23:59 (Class starts on: 2020-04-23)
      Location: keine Angabe
    • 24815b PC-based Seminar
      Extreme Meteorological Events (Christoph Gatzen, Joscha Pültz, Henning Rust)
      Schedule: Do 14:30-16:00 (Class starts on: 2020-04-23)
      Location: keine Angabe
    • 24815c Seminar
      Extreme Meteorological Events (Henning Rust, Uwe Ulbrich)
      Schedule: Do 16:00-17:30 (Class starts on: 2020-04-23)
      Location: keine Angabe
  • Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere/Oceans

    • 24816a Lecture Cancelled
      CANCELLED: Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere/Oceans (Michael Schaale)
      Schedule: Blockkurs: 07.09.-10.09.2020. Freies Üben: 11.-23.09.2020. (Class starts on: 2020-09-07)
      Location: ONLINE!!! [Bei Präsenzbetrieb im Seminarraum 137 der Weltraumwiss., Carl-Heinr.-Becker-Weg 6-10, Steglitz)]
    • 24816b Practice seminar Cancelled
      CANCELLED: Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere/Oceans (Michael Schaale)
      Schedule: Blockkurs: 07.09.-10.09.2020. Freies Üben: 11.-23.09.2020. (Class starts on: 2020-09-07)
      Location: 137 Seminarraum (Carl-Heinr.Becker Weg 6-10)
  • Middle Atmosphere

  • Physical Oceanography

    • 24818a Lecture
      Physical Oceanography (Maik Thomas)
      Schedule: Mi 14:00-15:30 (Class starts on: 2020-04-22)
      Location: keine Angabe
    • 24818b Practice seminar
      Physical Oceanography (Maik Thomas)
      Schedule: Mi 15:30-17:00 (Class starts on: 2020-04-22)
      Location: keine Angabe

Subjects A - Z