UP150012 Seminar

SoSe 21: Cyber Security Policy

Sebastian Michael Müller

Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

The course will be held as a block seminar and involve excursions (if possible and in accordance with applicable covid-19 regulations at the time). Times indicated in PULS are indicative at the time of planning. Further, more detailed information will be provided by the lecturer closer to the beginning of the course and will be d and communicated to students as appropriate. Schließen


The ongoing digitalization of all aspects of life offers enormous opportunities, particularly for economic growth, societal development and research. However, it also gives rise to several new threats. Critical infrastructures, government communications, military assets and political processes increasingly rely on information technology, making them vulnerable to cyber attacks. These technologies and their use are now relevant for national security and states seek to address this challenge. As a result, cyber security has become one of the most pressing subjects of national, regional and international bodies and initiatives. This course aims at providing students with an overview and practical understanding of the most significant topics in the field, national actors in Germany as well as regional and international processes in the area of cyber security and defence. Schließen


Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland 2016, Handlungsfeld 4 White Paper on German Security Policy and the Future of the Bundeswehr Reports of the UN Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security („UN Cyber GGEs“) General Assembly Resolutions A/70/237, A/73/27, A/73/266 OSCE Permanent Council Decision PC.DEC/1202 Decision Nr. 5/16 of the OSCE Ministerial Council 2016 Rid, Thomas & Buchanan, Ben. 2015. “Attributing Cyber Attacks” Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 38, 1-2, S. 4-37 (detailed reading list provided at beginning of the course) Schließen

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