HU530175 Seminar

SoSe 21: Advanced Quantitative Methods

Prof. Dr. Sabine Zinn

Hinweise für Studierende

Zentrale Nachfrist zur Belegung: 12.-15.04.2021


In this seminar, methods of multi-level modelling, longitudinal and panel data modelling (with survey data) are taught. In this context, dealing with missing data will also be discussed. The seminar is a three-day block seminar at the end of the semester (7-9.7.2021). The seminar is aimed at students who are either in a higher Master's degree year (about to write their Master's thesis) or doctoral students. The seminar is not suitable for Bachelor's students or Master's students at the beginning of their Master's studies, as it already presupposes extensive methodological knowledge. Either 5 or 10 ECTS points can be achieved in the course. For 5 points, a small assignment on the methods learned must be completed at the end of the course. For 10 points, the written elaboration of a research project (max. 12 pages) is necessary, for which the student already brings a topic, a question and an associated data set as a prerequisite. Schließen

Zusätzliche Termine

Mi, 07.07.2021 - Fr, 09.07.2021 09:00 - 17:00
Do, 08.07.2021 09:00 - 17:00
Fr, 09.07.2021 09:00 - 17:00

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