SoSe 21: PS- History of English II: Historical Linguistics
Ferdinand von Mengden
For studying the history of a language, a mere description of its development, i.e., treating history as a story, is not sufficient. If we wish to understand why and under which circumstances English developed the way it did, we will have to understand how languages change and which factors influence language in which way.
As we will see, the mechanisms underlying the historical development of English do not only vary considerably with respect to the different levels of linguistic description – phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics – but individual processes can also conflict with each other and / or mutually reinforce each other. A closer look at all historical periods of English will reveal how subtle digressions from an established grammatical system, in the long run, cause completely new structures to emerge.
Accompanied by the lecture on the History of English, we will focus on individual processes and problems in their description and their analysis. The participants of this seminar will thus profit from an introduction into the methods and aims of Historical Linguistics as a central branch of linguistics and at the same time extend and intensify their knowledge on the history of English provided in the lecture.
Requirements are a short term paper, an oral presentation in class and regular and active participation. Please register in Blackboard for the class at your earliest convenience. All details on the organization of the class, the requirements, the procedures and the access links to the individual sessions will be communicated there.
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