WiSe 12/13  
Philosophy and ...  
60 cp Latin Lan...  

WiSe 12/13: Institute of Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures

60 cp Latin Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16)

  • 6CP - Methods and Principles of Latin Philology

    • 16255 Lecture
      Philosophie in Rom (Therese Fuhrer)
      Schedule: Do 14:00-16:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2012-10-18)
      Location: J 32/102 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16254 Undergraduate Course
      Methoden der lateinischen Philologie (Caecilia-Désirée Hein)
      Schedule: Mi 08:00-10:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-17)
      Location: KL 25/134 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
  • 5CP - Latin Literature: Concepts and Reception - Introduction

  • Greek - Introduction

    • 16259 Language Course
      Griechisch - Einführung I (Jürgen Wiesner)
      Schedule: Do 18:00-20:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-18)
      Location: JK 31/125 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
  • 11CP - Fundamentals of Translation Practice

    • 16220 Practice seminar
      Grammatik (Lisa Sophie Cordes)
      Schedule: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-17)
      Location: KL 29/207 Übungsraum (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16256 Practice seminar
      Grammatik (Pascal Tilche)
      Schedule: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-15)
      Location: JK 31/124 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16221 Reading Course
      Leichte Prosalektüre (Nikolaus Thurn)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-16)
      Location: JK 31/124 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16257 Reading Course
      Mittelschwere Prosa: Livius, Ab urbe condita, Buch 5 (Tobias Uhle)
      Schedule: Fr 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-19)
      Location: JK 31/124 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
  • 5CP - Advanced Latin Literature: Contexts and Reception

  • 5CP - Advanced Greek

    • 16260 Language Course
      Griechisch-Aufbau I (Jürgen Wiesner)
      Schedule: Mo 18:00-20:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-15)
      Location: KL 29/207 Übungsraum (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
  • 8CP - Pre-classical and Post-classical Latin Literature

    • 16232 Reading Course
      Plautus, Amphitruo (Nicola Hömke)
      Schedule: Di 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-16)
      Location: JK 28/112 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
  • 10CP - Poetry and Prose of the Classical Era 1

    • 16224 Seminar
      Sallust, De coniuratione Catilinae (Therese Fuhrer)
      Schedule: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-17)
      Location: KL 32/102 Übungsraum (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16227 Seminar
      Vergil, Aeneis 3. Buch (Nikolaus Thurn)
      Schedule: Do 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-18)
      Location: KL 32/102 Übungsraum (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
  • 7CP - Language and Translation Skills 2

    • 16225 Practice seminar
      Deutsch-Latein II (Tobias Uhle)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-16)
      Location: L 113 Seminarzentrum (Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26)
    • 16230 Practice seminar
      Lat.-dt. Sprach- und Übersetzungskompetenz (Ramona Früh)
      Schedule: Di 08:00-10:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2012-10-16)
      Location: L 116 Seminarzentrum (Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26)

Subjects A - Z