WiSe 12/13: Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy
Orientierungstage am Institut für Philosophie
Informationen hierzu finden Sie unter: Orientierungstage- Core subject Philosophy (2007/08 study regulations) 044c_k90
- Core subject Philosophy (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 11/12) 044d_k90
- Core subject Philosophy (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 044e_k90
- 60 cp Philosophy (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 07/08) 045c_m60
- 60 cp Philosophy (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 11/12) 045d_m60
- 60 cp Philosophy (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 045e_m60
- 30 cp Philosophy (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 07/08) 046c_m30
- 30 cp Philosophy (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 11/12) 046d_m30
- 30 cp Philosophy (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 046e_m30
Institute of Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures
Informationen zu Credit Points, siehe Homepage: http://www.geisteswissenschaften.fu-berlin.de/we02/studium/ECTS_Punkte.pdf
Griechische und Lateinische Philologie
Semesterauftaktveranstaltung für alle Studierenden der Griechischen und Lateinischen Philologie, insbesondere für ... read more
Allgemeine Hinweise
Griechische und Lateinische Philologie
Soweit nicht anders angegeben, finden die Lehrveranstaltungen und die Sprachkurse für Studierende aller Fachbereiche der Griechischen und Lateinischen Philologie in ... read more
Studienberatung und Sprechstunden Griechische und Lateinische Philologie
WS 2012/13 (15.10.12-16.02.2013)
Prof. Dr. Blößner, Norbert (Studienrat i.H.) 83852212 Raum JK ... read more
Für Erstsemesterstudierende des Faches Latein;
Einführungsveranstaltung und verpflichtender Einstufungstest
Am Mittwoch, dem 10. Oktober 2012, findet in der Zeit von 14-16 Uhr (c.t.) in Raum J 32/102 eine dringend ... read more
Weitere Hinweise sind auf der Homepage des Instituts zu finden:Homepage Griechische und Lateinische Philologie.
- Core subject Latin Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of summer semester 2012) 059d_k90
- Core subject Latin Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 059e_k90
- 60 cp Latin Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of summer semester 2012) 060d_m60
- 60 cp Latin Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 060e_m60
- 30 cp Latin Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of summer semester 2012) 061d_m30
- 30 cp Latin Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 061e_m30
Institute of Comparative Literature
- Core subject General and Comparative Literature (2007/08 study regulations) 077b_k90
- Core subject General and Comparative Literature 077c_k90
- 60 cp Gemeral and Comparative Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 07/08) 078b_m60
- 60 cp General and Comparative Literature 078c_m60
- 30 cp General and Comparative Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 07/08) 079b_m30
- 30 cp General and Comparative Literature 079c_m30
Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures
- Core subject German Language and Literature (2007/08 study regulations) 033c_k90
- Core subject German Language and Literature (2012 study regulations) 033d_k90
- Core subject German Language and Literature (2015 study regulations) 033e_k90
- 60 cp German Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 07/08) 034c_m60
- 60 cp German Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of summer semester 2012) 034d_m60
- 60 cp German Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 034e_m60
- 30 cp German Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 07/08) 035c_m30
- 30 cp German Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of summer semester 2012) 035d_m30
- 30 cp German Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 035e_m30
Die Einführungsveranstaltung für Studienanfänger des BA-Studiengangs der Niederländischen Philologie findet am Montag, dem 15.10.12, um 10 Uhr im Raum KL ... read more
Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures
- B.A. in French Studies (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 2007/08) 238a_k120
- B.A. in French Studies (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 2010/11) 238b_k120
- B.A. in French Studies (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 238c_k120
- B.A. in French Studies (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 16/17) 238d_k120
- B.A. in French Studies - 30 cp History 312c_m30
- B.A. in French Studies – 30 cp Law Studiesregulations in effect as of winter semester 07/08) 313a_m30
- B.A. in French Studies – 30 cp Law Studiesregulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 313b_m30
- B.A. in French Studies - Theatre Studies 380a_m30
- B.A. in French Studies - 30 cp Theatre Studies 380b_m30
- B.A. in French Studies - 30 cp Art History 381a_m30
- B.A. in French Studies - 30 cp Philosophy 399a_m30
- B.A. in French Studies - 30 cp Political Science 400a_m30
- B.A. in French Studies - 30 cp Economics E47t
- BA Frankreichstudien -Ergänzung Politikwissenschaft (StO und PO gültig ab WS 2009/10) E47u
- French Language and Literature (core subject, 2004 study regulations) 029a_k90
- French Language and Literature (core subject, 2012 study regulations) 029b_k90
- French Language and Literature (core subject, 2015 study regulations) 029c_k90
- Core subject French Language and Literature 029d_k90
- 60 cp French Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 030a_m60
- 60 cp French Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 030b_m60
- 60 cp French Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 030c_m60
- 60 cp French Language and Literature 030d_m60
- 30 cp French Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 031a_m30
- 30 cp French Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 031b_m30
- 30 cp French Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 15/16) 031c_m30
- 30 cp French Language and Literature (prior knowledge of the language required) 031d_m30
- 30 cp French Language and Literature (prior knowledge of the language not required) 492a_m30
- Core subject Italian Language and Literature (2004/05 study regulations) 065a_k90
- Core subject Italian Language and Literature (2012/13 study regulations) 065b_k90
- Core subject Italian Language and Literature 065c_k90
- 60 cp Italian Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 066a_m60
- 60 cp Italian Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 066b_m60
- 60 cp Italian Language and Literature (prior knowledge of the language required) 066c_m60
- 60 cp Italian (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 067a_m60
- 60 cp Italian (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 067b_m60
- 60 cp Italian Language and Literature (prior knowledge of the language not required) 067c_m60
- 30 cp Italian with prior knowledge (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 068a_m30
- 30 cp Italian with prior knowledge (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 068b_m30
- 30 cp Italian (prior knowledge of the language required) 068c_m30
- 30 cp Italian with no prior knowledge (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 069a_m30
- 30 cp Italian with no prior knowledge (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 069b_m30
- 30 cp Italian (prior knowledge of the language not required) 069c_m30
- Core subject: Spanish Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of 2004/05) 053a_k90
- Core subject: Spanish Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of 2012/13) 053b_k90
- Core subject Spanish Language and Literature 053c_k90
- 60 cp Spanish Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 054a_m60
- 60 cp Spanish Language and Literature (study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 054b_m60
- 60 cp Spanish Language and Literature (prior knowledge of the language required) 054c_m60
- 60 cp Spanish (no rior knowledge rewquired, study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 055a_m60
- 60 cp Spanish (no rior knowledge rewquired, study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 055b_m60
- 60 cp Spanish (prior knowledge of the language not required) 055c_m60
- 30 cp Spanish (with prior knowledge, study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 056a_m30
- 30 cp Spanish (with prior knowledge, study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 056b_m30
- 30 cp Spanish (prior knowledge of the language required) 056c_m30
- 30 cp Spanish (with no prior knowledge, study regulations in effect as of winter semester 04/05) 057a_m30
- 30 cp Spanish (with no prior knowledge, study regulations in effect as of winter semester 12/13) 057b_m30
- 30 cp Spanish (prior knowledge of the language not required) 057c_m30
- 60 cp Portuguese-Brazilian Studies (prior knowledge of the language not required; study regul. 2004) 062a_m60
- 60 cp Portuguese-Brazilian Studies (prior knowledge of the language not required; study regul. 2014) 062b_m60
- 30 cp Portuguese (prior knowledge of the language not required; study regul. 2004) 063a_m30
- 30 cp Portuguese (prior knowledge of the language not required; study regul. 2014) 063b_m30
- 30 cp Portuguese (prior knowledge of the language required; study regul. 2004) 064a_m30
- 30 cp Portuguese (prior knowledge of the language required; study regul. 2014) 064b_m30
- 60 cp Portuguese-Brazilian Studies (prior knowledge of the language required) 410a_m60
Institute of English Language and Literature
Institut für Englische Philologie
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Beauftragter des Fachbereichs für die Studienfachberatung Englische Philologie:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrew James ... read more
(Erläuterungen zu den Credit Points siehe Vorlesungsverzeichnis sowie Homepage FU Berlin.)
Für das Institut für Englische Philologie sind für die einzelnen ... read more
Bitte beachten Sie zu den Magisterveranstaltungen die Äquivalenzbestimmungen, die Sie unter folgendem Link sehen: Magister read more
- Core subject English Language and Literature (study regulations 2011) 042d_k90
- Core subject English Language and Literature (study regulations 2015) 042e_k90
- 60 cp English Language and Literature (study regulations 2012) 043d_m60
- 60 cp English Language and Literature (study regulations 2015) 043e_m60
- 30 cp English Language and Literature (study regulations 2012) 146c_m30
- 30 cp English Language and Literature (study regulations 2015) 146d_m30