WiSe 12/13  
Philosophy and ...  
Core subject Du...  

WiSe 12/13: Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures

Core subject Dutch Language and Literature

    • M1 Language Practice - Dutch 1 074cA1.1
    • M2 Language Practice - Dutch 2 074cA1.2
    • M3 Language Practice - Dutch 3 074cA1.3
    • M4 Language Practice- Dutch 4 074cA1.4
    • M5 Principles of Dutch Studies 074cA2.1
    • M6 Literarische Strömungen und Gattungen 074cA2.2
    • M7 Literarische Themen und Motive 074cA2.3
    • M8 Linguistic Structures and Functions 074cA2.4
    • M9 Sprachliche Variation und sprachlicher Wandel 074cA2.5
    • M10 Specialisation module Dutch Language and Literature A 074cA2.6

Subjects A - Z