WiSe 12/13: Computer Science
Bachelor's programme in Computer Science (150 cp, 2014 study regulations)
Algorithmic Bioinformatics
Algorithmische Bioinformatik (Martin Vingron)
Schedule: Mo 12:00-14:00, Mi 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2012-10-15)
Location: SR 005 Übungsraum
Practice seminar
Übung zu Algorithmische Bioinformatik (Alena van Bömmel)
Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Di 12:00-14:00, Di 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-23)
Location: SR 005 Seminarraum
Praktikum zu Algorithmische Bioinformatik (Alena van Bömmel)
Schedule: Fr 22.02. 09:00-15:00 (Class starts on: 2013-02-22)
Location: keine Angabe
Statistics for Biosciences I
Statistik für Biowissenschaften I (Konrad Neumann)
Schedule: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-17)
Location: SR 031 Seminarraum
Practice seminar
Statistik für Biowissenschaften I (Konrad Neumann)
Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Mi 14:00-16:00, Mi 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-23)
Location: SR 130 Seminarraum (Hinterhaus)
General Chemistry
Chemie für Studierende der Veterinärmedizin, Bioinformatik und der Integrierten Naturwissenschaften (Johann, Spandl, Burkhard Kirste)
Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Do 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-16)
Location: Hs 1a Hörsaal, Habelschwerdter Allee 45 (Rost- / Silberlaube)
Internship / Seminar
Chemiepraktikum für Studierende der Bioinformatik (Johann Spandl)
Schedule: s.A.
Location: s. A.
General Biology
V Botanik und Biodiversität (Margarete Baier Hartmut Hilger)
Schedule: Vorlesung: zwischen 7.1. - 16.1.13 Mo, Di und Mi 8:00 - 10:00 und zwischen dem 4.2.-13.2 Mo, Di, Mi 8:00 - 10:00 (Class starts on: 2013-01-07)
Location: 014 Großer Hörsaal, Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16a
V Zoologie und Evolution (Ursula Koch Jens Rolff)
Schedule: Mo 08:00-10:00, Di 08:00-10:00, Mi 08:00-10:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-15)
Location: 014 Großer Hörsaal, Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16a
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry I
Biochemie I (Christoph Weise, Lars Bertram, Diego Walther, Sigmar Stricker)
Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00, Mi 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2012-10-16)
Location: Hs Kristallographie, Takustr. 6
Practice seminar
Übungen zu 21601a (Christoph Weise, N.N.)
Schedule: n. V.
Location: n. V.
Functional Programming 086cA1.1
Object-oriented Programming for students with some knowledge of programming 086cA1.2
Object-oriented Programming for students with no knowledge of programming 086cA1.3
Algorithms, Data Structures and Data Abstraction 086cA1.4
Non-sequential and Distributed Programming 086cA1.5
Computer Architecture, Operation and Communication Systems 086cA2.1
Impacts of Computer Science 086cA3.1
Database Systems 086cA3.2
Software Technology 086cA3.3
Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer Science 086cA4.1
Logic and Discrete Mathematics 086cA5.1
Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists 086cA5.2
Analysis for Computer Scientists 086cA5.3
Scientific Work in Computer Science 086cA6.1
Fundamentals of Technical Computer Science 086cB1.1
Research Lab 086cB1.2
Introductory Didactics of Computer Science 086cB1.3
Scientific Work in Applied Computer Science 086cB1.4
Scientific Work in Theoretical Computer Science 086cB1.5
Scientific Work in Technical Computer Science 086cB1.6
Image Processing 089cA1.1
Medical Image Processing 089cA1.10
Model-driven Software Development 089cA1.11
Pattern Recognition 089cA1.12
Network-Based Information Systems 089cA1.13
Computer Security 089cA1.16
Semantic Business Process Management 089cA1.17
Software Processes 089cA1.18
Compiler Construction 089cA1.19
Computer Graphics 089cA1.2
Distributed Systems 089cA1.20
XML Technology 089cA1.21
Practices in Professional Software Development 089cA1.22
Software project Applied Computer Science A 089cA1.23
Current research topics in Applied Computer Science 089cA1.27
Special Aspects of Applied Computer Science 089cA1.28
Advanced Topics in Data Management 089cA1.29
Computer Vision 089cA1.3
Special Aspects of Software Development 089cA1.30
Selected Topics in Applied Computer Science 089cA1.31
Database Technology 089cA1.4
Empirical Evaluation in Computer Science 089cA1.5
Principles of Software Testing 089cA1.7
Artificial Intelligence 089cA1.9
Advanced Analysis 089cA2.1
Software project - Theoretical Computer Science A 089cA2.10
Model Checking 089cA2.2
Current Research Topics in Theoretical Computer Science 089cA2.3
Computational Geometry 089cA2.4
Selected Topics in Theoretical Computer Science 089cA2.5
Advanced topics in Theoretical Computer Science 089cA2.6
Special aspects of Theoretical Computer Science 089cA2.7
Cryptography and Security in Distributed Systems 089cA2.8
Semantics of Programming Languages 089cA2.9
Operating Systems 089cA3.1
Current research topics in Technical Computer Science 089cA3.10
Special aspects of Technical Computer Science 089cA3.11
Selected Topics in Technical Computer Science 089cA3.12
Microprocessor Lab 089cA3.2
Mobile Communications 089cA3.3
Robotics 089cA3.4
Telematics 089cA3.5
Software project - Technical Computer Science A 089cA3.6
Analysis II 084dA1.2
Analysis III 084dA1.3
Linear Algebra II 084dA1.5
Computer-Oriented Mathematics I 084dA1.6
Computer-Oriented Mathematics II 084dA1.7
Stochastics I 084dA1.8
Numerics I 084dA1.9
Scientific Work in Mathematics 084dB1.1
Higher Analysis 084dB2.1
Current Topics in Mathematics 084dB2.10
Special topics in Mathematics 084dB2.11
Special topics in Pure Mathematics 084dB2.12
Special topics in Applied Mathematics 084dB2.13
Functional Analysis 084dB2.2
Complex Analysis 084dB2.3
Stochastics II 084dB2.4
Algebra and Number Theory 084dB2.5
Elementary Geometry 084dB2.6
Geometry 084dB2.7
Data Structures and Data Abstraction with Applications 084dB2.8
Mathematical Project 084dB2.9
Differential Equations I 084dB3.1
Discrete Mathematics I 084dB3.2
Algebra I 084dB3.3
Numerical Mathematics II 084dB3.4
Differential Geometry I 084dB3.5
Topology I 084dB3.6
Higher Algorithmics with applications 084dB3.7
Visualisation 084dB3.8.
Statistics for Biosciences II 260cA2.6
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry II 260cA3.4
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry III 260cA3.5
Genetik und Genomforschung 260cA3.6
Medizinische Physiologie 260cA3.7
Neurobiology 260cA3.8
Application area all other subjects 086cC3.1
Application area all other subjects 086cC3.2
Application area all other subjects 086cC3.3