WiSe 12/13: German as a Foreign Language
Deutschkurse in Kooperation mit dem Center for International Cooperation (CIC) und der Dahlem Research School (DRS)
German (in Cooperation with the Center for International Cooperation and the Dahlem Research School)
Practice seminar
Niveau A2.2/B1.1: Integrierter Kurs (Nejwa Bettaz)
Schedule: Di 17:10-20:25, Do 17:10-20:25 (Class starts on: 2012-10-16)
Location: Hittorfstr. 16, 001 Seminarraum
Practice seminar
Phonetik Workshop (Susanne Kreuzig)
Schedule: Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2012-11-10)
Location: KL 24/105 Übungsraum (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
Practice seminar
German (in Cooperation with the Center for International Cooperation and the Dahlem Research School) E45hA1.1
German (in Cooperation with the Center for International Cooperation and the Dahlem Research School) E45iA1.1