WiSe 12/13  
Language Center  
Deutschkurse in...  

WiSe 12/13: German as a Foreign Language

Deutschkurse in Kooperation mit dem Center for International Cooperation (CIC) und der Dahlem Research School (DRS)

  • German (in Cooperation with the Center for International Cooperation and the Dahlem Research School)

    • 54623a Practice seminar
      Niveau A2.2/B1.1: Integrierter Kurs (Nejwa Bettaz)
      Schedule: Di 17:10-20:25, Do 17:10-20:25 (Class starts on: 2012-10-16)
      Location: Hittorfstr. 16, 001 Seminarraum
    • 54646 Practice seminar
      Phonetik Workshop (Susanne Kreuzig)
      Schedule: Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2012-11-10)
      Location: KL 24/105 Übungsraum (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • German (in Cooperation with the Center for International Cooperation and the Dahlem Research School) E45hA1.1
    • German (in Cooperation with the Center for International Cooperation and the Dahlem Research School) E45iA1.1

Subjects A - Z