WiSe 14/15: Revisiting Latin America's Cold War. Perspectives from History and Political Science
Debora Gerstenberger, Markus-Michael Müller
This interdisciplinary course aims at revisiting Latin America's Cold War from the perspective of political science and history. A common narrative suggests that US politics and institutions (i.e. CIA) dominated their 'back yard' Latin America and were responsible for the establishment and maintenance of military dictatorships. However, it is possible and necessary to overcome simplistic explanations by using new theories and methods of analysis. Our goal is to decenter certain assumptions and narratives, emphasize the complexity of events and processes, and search for the different agents that made them possible. Topics of the course are, among others, ruptures and continuities of Latin American politics, counter-insurgency and intervention, culture and (mass) media, and the 'globality' of the Cold War. Schließen
Armony, Ariel: Argentina, U.S. & Anti-Communist Crusade in Central America, 1977-1984, Ohio 1998. - Brands, Hal: Latin America's Cold War, Cambridge, Mass. 2010. - Joseph, Gilbert H./Spenser, Daniela (Hg.): In From the Cold: Latin America's New Encounter with the Cold War, Durham, 2008. - McSherry, J. Parice: Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America, Lanham 2005. Schließen
16 Termine
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