WiSe 14/15  
Centre for Teac...  
Latin and Teach...  

WiSe 14/15: Master's programme in Teacher Education (120 cp)

Latin and Teaching Methods for Latin

  • Teaching Latin within the Context of the Modern School System

    • 16261 Seminar
      Anfangsunterricht Latein (Ruth Schaefer-Franke)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2014-10-20)
      Location: JK 27/106 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16262 Seminar
      Literatur und Mythos (Peggy Wittich)
      Schedule: Mo 08:00-10:00 (Class starts on: 2014-10-20)
      Location: JK 27/106 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16263 Practice seminar
      Geschichte des Lateinunterrichts (Kerstin Ludwig)
      Schedule: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2014-10-27)
      Location: JK 27/106 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
  • The Teaching of Subjects (Studies on Teaching Latin in Schools)

  • Latin in the Area of Conflict between Linguistics and Practical School-Related Reflection

    • 16204 Practice seminar
      Deutsch-Latein IV (Yannick Spies)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2014-10-21)
      Location: K 23/27 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16235 Practice seminar
      Deutsch-Latein IV (Yannick Spies)
      Schedule: Do 12:00-14:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2014-10-16)
      Location: KL 29/207 Übungsraum (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16236 Practice seminar
      Lateinisch-Deutscher Klausurenkurs (Nikolaus Thurn)
      Schedule: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2014-10-15)
      Location: KL 32/102 Übungsraum (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
    • 16238 Tutorial
      Deutsch-Latein (Markus Porzelt)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2014-10-14)
      Location: JK 27/106 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)

Subjects A - Z