XR002a Seminar

WiSe 22/23: E-Mental Health for Refugee Populations

Susanne Birnkammer, Sophie Eicher


In this group, various populations of refugees and their needs, concerns and utilization behavior in the context of E-Mental Health services will be investigated. The aim is to identify and implement appropriate characteristics of E-Mental Health services for specific refugee populations. The group addresses psychology students who are interested in transcultural psychology as well as in e-mental health care research. Prior knowledge of statistical analysis should be present. Students from refugee backgrounds are especially invited to participate in the Group.

The students form groups of 3-4 people and conduct a specific research question, which is finalized with the creation of a poster. Sessions are preferably face-to-face, depending on pandemic requirements. The seminar sessions take place in blocks (3h session/month + one introductory session). Further information will be communicated by mail.

Institutional affiliation: Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie, Psychologie

Contact: susanne.birnkammer@fu-berlin.de, s.eicher@fu-berlin.de


Subjects A - Z