WiSe 22/23  
Berlin Universi...  

WiSe 22/23: Berlin University Alliance

Students enrolled at the four institutions of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) - Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin - can attend courses offered by any of the BUA partners. Joint BUA degree programs, BUA certificate programs, specially selected BUA modules, and courses offered under the Berlin Student Research Opportunities ProgramX (StuROPX) enable students to gain broader access to existing and new courses at all four partner institutions and to get actively involved in research projects in the context of the Grand Challenge Initiatives.

More information can be found on the relevant web pages of the Berlin University Alliance.

BUA Joint Degree Programs

Berlin University Alliance joint degree programs are coordinated between the BUA partners and are designated as such due to their unique profile.

BUA joint degree programs meet the following specific criteria:

  1. Societal challenges of global importance are addressed in the courses offered.
  2. The qualifications gained in the courses improve the student's prospects in their future professional or academic career.
  3. Research-based education and the transfer of cutting-edge research are core elements of the curriculum.
  4. The courses offered feature an international dimension.
  5. The courses offered are interdisciplinary in nature.

BUA Modules

BUA modules are selected modules open to students of all four partner institutions. They are offered in the subject areas Gender & Diversity, Society & Philosophy, Digitalization, Environment and Climate Protection, Global Health and in a thematically open category.

Some modules contain only single courses, others contain several courses of which you can either choose one or which you have to attend all. Please note the respective comment for each module. To see if credit points of a specific BUA module are transferable to your study program please contact your examinations office. At the following link you can find information on crediting extra curricular courses at Freie Universität.

To attend a BUA module at Freie Universität, please apply for the desired module by October 10, 2022 via email at bua@studium.fu-berlin.de stating (1) your first and last name, (2) the institution you are studying at, (3) your degree program and semester, and (4) your matriculation number.

For more information on the registration process at Freie Universität, please visit the FU website.

For information on the registration for BUA modules at the partner institutions, please refer to the respective links provided below.

Please visit the website of the Berlin University Alliance for more information on BUA modules.


BUA Certificate Programs

Student Research Opportunities Program

The Student Research Opportunities Programx (StuROPx) gives students the chance to collect research experience at an early stage of their studies.

The program consists of two formats:

  • X-Student Research Groups are student research teams led by doctoral candidates or postdocs.
  • X-Tutorials are research tutorials initiated and organized by students.

More informationen can be found on the web pages of the Berlin University Alliance.


Please note the information on how to participate in an X-Student Research Group.

X-Student Research Groups of all BUA partner institutions can be credited at Freie Universität in the ABV area "Forschungsorientierung". For crediting in master's programs please consult your examinations office or examining board.

Students of HU, TU and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin can apply credits obtained in X-Student Research Groups in the study areas üWP/Freie Wahl/Wahlpflicht.


Please note the information on how to participate in an X-Tutorial.

X-Tutorials of all BUA partner institutions can be credited at Freie Universität in the ABV area "Forschungsorientierung". For crediting in master's programs please consult your examinations office or examining board.

Students of HU, TU and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin can apply credits obtained in X-Tutorials in the study areas üWP/Freie Wahl/Wahlpflicht.


Subjects A - Z