WiSe 22/23  
Berlin Universi...  
Global Health  

WiSe 22/23: BUA Modules

Global Health

  • Evolutionary Medicine

    BUA module with 5 credit points, module description (German) close
    • 23423a Lecture
      V Evolutionary Medicine (Sophie Armitage, Linda Aulin, Dino McMahon, Katja Nowick, Charlotte Rafaluk-Mohr, Jens Rolff, Ulrich Steiner)
      Schedule: semesterbegleitend; 26.10.22 - 08.02.23, Mi; 16:30 - 19:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-26)
      Location: Hs Zoologie (R 110) (Königin-Luise-Str. 1 / 3)
    • 23423b Seminar
      S Evolutionary Medicine (Sophie Armitage, Linda Aulin, Dino McMahon, Katja Nowick, Charlotte Rafaluk-Mohr, Jens Rolff, Ulrich Steiner, Peter Hammerstein, Sandra Jungle, Jessica Metcalfe, Robin Michelet)
      Schedule: semesterbegleitend; 26.10.22 - 08.02.23, Mi; 16:30 - 19:00; gegebenenfalls weitere Termine für das Seminar (Class starts on: 2022-10-26)
      Location: Hs Zoologie (R 110) (Königin-Luise-Str. 1 / 3)
  • Current Research Topics in Bioinformatics A


    To complete this BUA module with 5 ECTS credit points, one of the following seminars has to be attended. Please contact the respective lecturers to find out what prior knowledge of the subject is required for successful participation.

    Modulbeschreibung (S. 349)


Subjects A - Z