23204b Practice seminar

WiSe 22/23: Ü Data Science in Ecology and Evolution Biology

Michael Thomas Monaghan, Lynn Govaert

Information for students

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Die Verteilung der Kursplätze erfolgt am ersten Kurstag.
Bitte Laptop mitbringen.
Please bring a laptop.


Inhalt: In der Übung wird Datenverarbeitung und -analyse mit Open-Source-Programmen und -Tools (Texteditor, R), Programmierung (Shell, Python) und Remote-High-Performance-Computing (Zedat-HPC) erlernt.

The practical will provide training in data handling and analysis using open-source programs and tools (text editor, R), programming (shell, python) and remote high-performance computing (Zedat-HPC). close

Suggested reading

Optional: Haddock & Dunn (https://practicalcomputing.org/)

Subjects A - Z