SoSe 18: American Art, 1607 - Present
Lauren Kroiz
Hinweise für Studierende
Please register at: culture@jfki.fu-berlin.de with your name, matriculation number, study program, home university, zedat email address or email address of home university, and type of exchange program (if applicable). Deadline for registration is April 15, 2018. Enrollment for the course is capped at 40 students. A final list of participants will be published on April 17. Schließen
This course will examine the history of American Art from the period of earliest European settlement through the present. Works of art and other forms of material culture will be explored and discussed within the context of philosophical, historical, social, and cultural developments. In this course, works of art and artifacts are interpreted not as formal objects isolated from history nor as passive objects that "reflect" the past, but rather as active agents that have the potential to influence and shape broader historical, social, and cultural patterns. Attention will also be given to the writings of artists and critics, as well as canonical texts in the formulation of the discipline by art historians, historians, and other scholars which illustrate the variety of methodologies and interpretations brought to bear on American art, architecture, and material culture. -----
Please register at: culture@jfki.fu-berlin.de with your name, matriculation number, study program, home university, zedat email address or email address of home university, and type of exchange program (if applicable). Deadline for registration is April 15, 2018. Enrollment for the course is capped at 40 students. A final list of participants will be published on April 17. Schließen
10 Termine
Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung
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